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The Mission Bend Boys and Girls Club in Fort Bend County buzzed with excitement as the Houston Texans and Xfinity , a leading tech company, orchestrated a remarkable surprise for the youth. The atmosphere was nothing short of electrifying, with exuberant cheers and radiant smiles illuminating the gymnasium. This week, Comcast, the driving force behind the cutting-edge Xfinity 10G Network, astounded the audience by generously providing an invaluable gift—brand new, state-ofthe-art laptops. Witness the breathtaking moment that unfolded before their eyes, forever etched in their memories. DeAnn Shodimu, accompanied by her 13-year-old daughter Sade, found herself utterly captivated by the unfolding events at the Digital Literacy Night. This extraordinary occasion was made possible through a powerful partnership between the Houston Texans and Xfinity. Shodimu’s unwavering focus absorbed the wealth of valuable information on safeguarding her child in the vast and ever-evolving world of cyberspace. Shodimu voiced her unwavering belief in the relentless march of technology and its pivotal role in shaping the future. “Technology continues to advance. The future is technology. That’s the way I see it,” she passionately explained. “Kids need to possess the skills to navigate this technological realm— knowing what to touch, what not to touch, what to input, and what not to input. I believe it’s of utmost importance. It’s the direction we’re headed.” Comcast went above and beyond, displaying incredible generosity by giving away a total of 50 cutting-edge laptops during the event. Out of this extraordinary donation, twenty-five devices were designated for the Mission Bend Boys & Girls Club. These laptops will serve as a mobile computer lab within their Wi-Fi-connected Lift Zone, ensuring that the young minds in the community have access to the tools they need to explore the boundless possibilities of the digital world. The remaining 25 brand-new laptops were placed directly into the hands of the families present at the event, flooding their homes with immeasurable joy and a gateway to a future brimming with possibilities.

Joshua Webb , representing Crime Stoppers of Houston, took center stage, assuming the vital role of guiding parents through crucial online safety tips. Webb emphasized the significance of responsible online behavior, urging both

By Francis Page, Jr For www.StyleMagazine.com

digital literacy, and empowerment, propelling the next generation towards a future where they can navigate the intricacies of the digital landscape with confidence and competence children and parents to exercise caution before sharing personal information. He enlightened them on how to respond to unsolicited contact and empowered them with strategies to confront the perils of cyberbullying. Cheryl Lewis sat attentively beside her 12-yearold son Jeremy , wholly engrossed in this enlightening presentation, recognizing its indispensable value. “It’s incredibly important,” Lewis affirmed with conviction. “We make a conscious effort to monitor his online activities and familiarize ourselves with his online friends.”

Jeremy, brimming with excitement for his imminent journey into 7th grade, recognized that accomplishing his schoolwork without access to connected devices and the internet would be an insurmountable challenge. Consequently, his mother wholeheartedly welcomed the unexpected gift of a laptop from Xfinity, relieving her of the burden of purchasing one in August. “It’s the digital age,” Jeremy’s mother declared with a resolute tone. “One cannot progress without embracing technology and acquiring the necessary knowledge. This gift is of paramount importance since I was just about to buy him one in August, but now I don’t need to.” This year alone, Comcast Texas showcased its extraordinary commitment by investing a staggering $20,000 in the Boys and Girls Club. This substantial contribution was specifically dedicated to fostering digital skills programming, demonstrating their unwavering dedication to equipping today’s youth with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Comcast Texas stands at the forefront of promoting education,

As the fervor surrounding Travis Scott's transcendent voyage to Egypt intensifies, a new wave of excitement crashes upon the shores of anticipation. In a remarkable display of fan enthusiasm, it has been reported that all premium and VIP tickets for the American rapper's monumental "Utopia" concert, scheduled for July 28, vanished into thin air a mere 15 minutes after their prices were unveiled to the public. Astonishingly swift, this unprecedented sellout left countless devotees yearning for a glimpse of Scott's otherworldly performance at the Pyramids of Giza.

The clamor for these highly sought-after tickets reached a fever pitch as fans scrambled to secure their spot at this historical convergence of artistry and antiquity. With premium tickets commanding a price of EGP 4,000 (USD 129) and VIP tickets fetching EGP 6,500 (USD 210), the exclusivity and allure of witnessing Scott's live-streamed concert amidst the awe-inspiring pyramids proved irresistible to fans from all corners of the globe.

Notably, the rapid depletion of tickets closely followed Scott's groundbreaking announcement that he would use this unprecedented event as a platform to unveil his forthcoming album, "Utopia." Seamlessly blending his visionary musical prowess with the mystical allure of one of the world's most iconic landmarks, Scott's decision to host this monumental concert amidst the ancient pyramids garnered immense intrigue and captivated the collective


By Sara Weisfeldt, Rosa Flores, Alli Rosenbloom and Andy Rose, CNN

imagination of his devoted fanbase.

This unforgettable event has been meticulously curated in collaboration with Live Nation, a renowned entertainment powerhouse known for orchestrating groundbreaking live experiences that transcend conventional boundaries. With their astute promotional prowess backing Scott's visionary endeavor, the stage is set for an extraordinary convergence of ancient wonder and contemporary artistry.

As the countdown to this epoch-making spectacle continues, enthusiasts have been eagerly securing their positions for the live performance, ensuring an audience that will bear witness to the fusion of sonic innovation and millennia-old grandeur. The allure of being physically present amidst this unparalleled union of music and mysticism has prompted fans to seize the opportunity to embark on an unforgettable journey to the heart of Egypt, where they will be spellbound by the enigmatic presence of Travis Scott.