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Mangakahia Community Sports & Recreation Centre NEWSLETTER November 2020
(09) 4346923
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mailto: mangakahiasportscomplex@gmail.com www.mangakahiacomplex.org.nz
We have had a busy second half of the year with our clubs and events able to resume after the lockdowns. While it was a disruptive period most of our activities were completed, although some had extended seasons.
Our annual February event, Mangakahia Summer Festival, will be held on Saturday 27th February, so make sure you keep this date free.
This is a great event for all our community and there is plenty to entertain all ages. We also welcome anyone who may be interested in booking a stall for the day to contact us. Sites are available on the fields outside or undercover in the main building from $20. Bring along the family and come and join in this fun event. Free entry and all welcome.
Mangakahia Summer Festival
Saturday 27th February 2021
December 11th - Titoki Playcentre
February 12th - Mangakahia Squash Club
March 12th - Maungarongo Marae
Held 2nd Friday of each month Come along and support our local clubs and groups Two course meal - main & dessert
Price range: $18 for a steak meal to $2 for a hotdog
Takeaway option available
Meals served from 6:30pm

Things are back to normal at the Mangakahia Lions Club as Covid is hopefully behind us. We recently had a very successful Country Meal and on 11 December we have our annual Senior Citizens lunch at the Complex. Club members have been flat out splitting firewood for next winter so get your order in early to avoid disappointment.
We are always looking for new members so if you are interested contact me at m.eagles@xtra.co.nz and join an active and fun club.

Attendance is up as our members enjoy the delights spring gardens bring us. Members are happily enjoying the competition and brag table blooms brought along each month.
Saw us visiting the Farrells Garden in Parakao with members amazed at the growth that has happened in 12 months since the Mangakahia Garden Ramble. We finished the visit with a cuppa in the shade, enjoyed the tranquillity of the setting and wondered if it would be ok to run around bare foot on Brett’s beautiful lawn. Hosting the country meal in October is an event we enjoy. This year saw us provide activities for the children. We received thanks from many grateful parents, with the children taking away their artistic creations.
The recent posy making in the library was very welcome. Our members pick flowers from their gardens and we put together small posies in the library to give away to anyone who would like them. This time Kathy Baker created specific posies for men to take home to their wives/ partners. We trust this was a nice surprise for the receiver. Such a simple act brings so many smiles. Thanks to Jenny Waterhouse and Kaye Jamieson for organising this. November is a glorious month in the garden. Roses and perennials are in full bloom. The blooms on display at our meeting, especially the roses were much admired. We all go away with the names of plants we need to propagate or purchase so we can enjoy them in our own gardens next year. Following our meeting a visit to Linda Wilkinson’s garden in Poroti was a delight. Such a lovely setting with Linda’s artistic eye evident in the planting combination. The care of the stand of natives on the property is a credit to Linda and Murray. The call of the roses sees us visiting a garden in Dargaville and the Matakohe heritage rose gardens.
The month for fun and games seeing as how we like to get in the festive spirit. If you see groups of people dressed in their Christmas best wandering around the loop it will be us on a treasure hunt. The food and company will be delightful. Then we will don our hats and visit a commercial flower grower in Whatitiri. What a great way to round up our year.


We cater for boys and girls, aged 5 - 12, and all enquiries are welcome. Our season will be starting in early April and we look forward to another great year for our junior players.
For further details please contact: mangakahiasoccerclub@ gmail.com

We had a successful end to this years Squash season.
Our D grade Men’s team represented Northland at the National Super Champs tournament in Blenheim. They won their pool and finished 3rd overall, which was a great result.
Mangakahia hosted the Northland Champ of Champions tournament and our club took out 7 of the 13 grade titles. Congratulations to the winners: Janelle Imeson (F grade), Andrew Booth & Donna-Rae Carroll (E grade), Troy Ruddell & Hayley Taylor (D grade), Rhett Matson (C grade), Amy Brown (B grade).
Congratulations to Linda Matson and Neil Lewis who represented Northland at the National Masters tournament where the team placed a respectable 5th overall.
Our Club Champs wrapped up our season. Jacinta Matson had to beat her mother in the final to gain the women’s title. Neil Lewis and Pete Langford played the men’s final. Pete took out the men’s title after winning it 33 years ago! Intermediate champions were Amy Brown and Jackson Treloar. Tayla Ruddell and Joe Taylor were the Junior champions.
We are really excited about the working plans being drawn up for the upgrade of our men’s and women’s ablution areas, and a third glass backed court with viewing gallery. We look forward to this project really taking off in 2021.
New players are always welcome at our thriving, fun and family friendly club. A great game for fitness, contact Wayne on 021 853551 or Hayley on 021 2621674
The Touch season is up and running for 2020. 8 teams in the Mixed Open grade and 19 kids’ teams from grade u8 through to u14. Come along on Thursday nights and support the teams. Bar service and food available and an awesome community atmosphere.
Keep an eye on the Mangakahia FB page for information about 7’s Rugby and start dates for all teams in 2021. Remember, it’s never too early to start pre-season training!
Support Local ----- Get toned for summer
Les Mills routines - Qualified Instructor - Great Music
All skill and fitness levels - you proceed at your own pace Equipment provided - just BYO water & towel
Only $10 per person (student discounts) or $80 for ten-class concession card
Last class for 2020 is on 15th December and we will re-start in 2021 on 9th February

Yoga with Radhe
Mangakahia YOGA
Mangakahia Sports Complex (upstairs lounge) MONDAY 6—7.15 pm
Kara Kokopu YOGA
Kara Kokopu Hall, MAUNGATAPERE WEDNESDAY 6—7.15 pm
YWCA 21 Rust Avenue, WHANGAREI TUESDAY 5.15—6.30 pm
Shraddhayoganz@gmail.com mob: 027 392 8220
Mangakahia Sports Complex 434 6923
Mangakahia Gardening Club 434 7660
Mangakahia Group Fitness 434 6308
Mangakahia Junior Soccer 022 1524175
Mangakahia Lions 434 6864
Mangakahia Rugby 021 1227063
Mangakahia Squash 021 2621674
Kokopu 434 6765
Mangakahia Area 433 1702
Maungatapere 434 6743
Maunu 438 8060
Otaika Valley 432 2731
Pakotai 433 1727
Poroti 434 6867
Maungatapere Playcentre 434 6451
Portland Kindergarten 432 2533
Titoki Playcentre 021 1587766
Maungatapere Bowling Club 434 6392
Maungatapere Valley Aquatics 434 7723
Maunu Tennis Club 434 6898
Poroti Outdoors Club 434 6856
Tai Kwan Do 434 6340
Whatitiri Clay Target Club 09 9717900
Aches Away! (helps pain) 027 4346635
JL & SJ Bazil Painters 434 6208
Kevin Trumper (Electrician) 027 4934572
Maungatapere Transport 434 6722 or 434 6632
Northland Plants 434 6864
The Hardwood Guys 434 8233 (Wooden Flooring)
Korokota 021 501516
Maungarongo 027 2704067
If your community group or business would like to be added to this page please phone Sylvia on 021 793073 or email mangakahiasportscomplex@gmail.com
Business Advertising Rates (excl GST): $25 per year for single line listing or $25 per newsletter for display ad