3 minute read


By James Saunders

Pakheyr) پخير (Salâm) سلام

We are excited to welcome a new group of Afghan children to our school as part of the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme. These children and their families were evacuated from Afghanistan due to the dangerous and unpredictable situation in the country that emerged a little over a year ago following the US troop withdrawal and have found a safe haven in the UK.

Their journey to get here has been long and challenging, but we are proud to say that our school is a place where they can find support, friendship, and a sense of belonging. Our school is committed to promoting equality and inclusion for all, and we believe that diversity enriches the learning experience for everyone.

In Afghanistan, families face numerous challenges, including poverty, lack of access to education, and the threat of violence. Despite obstacles such as these, the families we welcome were able to support the UK and UK armed forces in important roles, such as translation. It is because of their dedication and bravery that they have been able to resettle in the UK and start a new chapter in their lives.

We believe that our school community has a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of these children and their families. By welcoming them with open arms and showing them kindness and compassion, we can help them feel valued and included. Our school is a place where everyone is encouraged to be themselves, and where diversity is celebrated. You will recall the feedback I shared a few weeks ago from our Ofsted inspection - 100% of learners were positive about the following statement: ‘my school encourages me to respect learners from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally’. I am confident that Honywood is the right place to help these learners to be themselves and thrive.

It is important for our community to understand that these children and their families are not refugees by choice, but rather because they had to leave their homes and communities in order to protect their safety. We encourage families to be understanding and patient as these children adjust to their new surroundings and make new friends. It is easy for us to build up our understanding of global political issues through snippets of mainstream and social media. Rarely does this capture the full nuance of a situation on an individual level. At Honywood I am confident that everyone will demonstrate kindness and live up to our core values of Trust, Respect, Equity and Excellence.

We would like to invite everyone to help us to create a warm and inclusive environment for our new learners. Simple gestures, such as introducing yourself and making conversation, can make all the difference. By coming together as a community, we can help these children feel at home and support them as they begin their journey at Honywood.

In conclusion, we are honoured to have these new children and their families join our school community and believe that their presence will enrich our lives and bring new perspectives and experiences to our classrooms. We are committed to promoting equality and inclusion and believe that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. By working together, we can create a school community that is welcoming, inclusive, and supportive of all cultures.

Our families speak one of two languages: Pashto and Dari. Below are a few phrases in both languages that we can use to welcome our new learners to our community.

Have a nice weekend.

James Saunders

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Centre For Computing History

C10 learners enjoyed the opportunity of visiting the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge on Thursday this week.

The public exhibition tells the story of computing and presents an internationally significant collection of computers and game consoles. Learners experienced the Main Gallery Zone learning about The Dawn of the Electronic Computers starting in 1613 through to the modern day.

The Centre also showcases a Megaprocessor that is officially the world’s largest functional microprocessor model. This underpinned C10s curriculum learning of how computer systems work that they are currently studying.

C10 learners will shortly start their Python programming learning and enjoyed a launch workshop at the centre by programming a buggy.

For the learners, they really enjoyed experiencing the Games Zone where they played and interacted with a whole variety of Games Consoles from 1972 to the modern day. It was so interesting to see how gameplay has technically advanced through the years.

A wonderful and enriching day for C10 to enjoy.

Mrs S Palmer Subject Leader for Computer Science

Dates for the Diary

6th & 7th February C11 Learning Group Photos (LS5)

Thurs 9th February Dance Show

13th - 17th February Half Term

21st February C9 Vaccination programme

22nd February NHS Discovery Careers Day

Fri 24th February C11 Whole Cohort photo

Thurs 2nd March World Book Day

Fri 3rd March Learner Leadership Day C10

Wed 8th March C8 Guided Choices Evening for families

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