1 minute read



is the story of how, in the wake of Roe v Wade, weranalittleexperimenttoseewhatthesecurityof cheaply outsourced mobile symptom tracking application would look like. The results ranged from comictoterrifying.


Simulating real-world attacks against organizations, Red Teaming showcases potential attack chains used by malicious actors. But, not all companies are ready for this assessment. Focusing on security basicsandhygieneiskey.


Links&Socials https://www.digitalinterruption.com

@ms__chief https://www.northgreensecurity.com @dancannon__

An enthusiastic and determined individual, Dan has spent over a decade working in the cyber security industry. Dan has been a pentester, a consultant, the head of a pentesting team of 30, a global head of technical assurance, a trainer, and much more. Throughout his career he has always been keen to share knowledge and teach tradecraft to those working their way up and finding their niche. As a professional with extensive practical experience, Dan knows what skills are required to be successful in this industry. When not delivering security consultancy services or training, Dan enjoys focussing on community outreach programs that teach students the skills needed to join the industry as well as working with military veterans transitioning into a civilian careerincybersecurity.

About Speaker Bio

About The Talk

This talk will look at some real-world examples of compromises to cover the role of threat hunting, data collection, rulesets, detection, alerting and analysis/investigation - and how they all work cyclicallytokeepacompanysafeusingaSIEM.

is a lot of discussion around those who don’t right, but how about those constantly maturing focus on improvement? Being to objectively reinvent and reinvigorate the team with understanding and knowledge to defend against the latestattackmethods.

Socials&Links https://www.linkedin.com/in/triwebdesignpj/ @cyberbadgeruk

Kimberley Hendry is SOC Team Lead at th4ts3cur1ty,company for their PocketSIEM service and chapter lead of the North East Ladies Hacking Society. She's based in the North East and hasaMastersincybersecurity.

Links&Socials @Kimberley_HG

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