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December 2019 Newsletter

A testimony on the Young Adults Group BY KAITLYN STICE My name is Kaitlin Stice. I am 24 years old, and I moved to Nashville for college 5 years ago. I grew up in a small farm town in Illinois, where I knew every single person I went to church with. I also grew up singing in my church choir from a very young age. Church was somewhere I felt at home with a community around me. My faith and music are two very important things in my life. everyone who was there. I made immediate friends and was overwhelmed by the feeling of gratitude for God answering my prayers. It still makes me emotional to this day.


Since then, I have been invited onto the core team for the Young Adult Group, and I sing every Wednesday at Mass. I have watched this group grow so much over the past year, and it continues to inspire me every Wednesday to see it keep growing.

After becoming so involved, this group has opened so many doors for me spiritually and musically. Holy Family Young Adults have given me a place that feels like home, when I felt so lost from a home since moving to Nashville. This group gave me some of the closest friends I have made here Nashville, people that I know I can turn to for anything. This group has given me memories already that will last a lifetime. I know I have a community and a family at Holy Family Young Adults.

When I moved to Nashville, I struggled finding a faith community, and I missed worshipping God through music. My faith took a toll during this time of feeling lost. I still went to a few different churches, but I had no fire in my faith. After four years of searching, I saw an advertisement about Holy Family Young Adults Mass with worship music.

I had been praying for God to guide me to where I was supposed to be. The first mass I went to, I immediately felt at peace. It was an amazing feeling to look around and see people my age enveloped in their faith. I connected with the music during the mass and instantly wanted to be a part of everything.

At the social afterwards, I felt so welcomed by I have never felt more close to God, and my faith is alive. I feel so loved. My passion is to continue to help more people have an experience with this group like I did. I want people to know they are welcome here and to feel like they have a community with Holy Family Young Adults.

Coming into this can be intimidating, scary, and uncomfortable, but I hope this can encourage faith to overcome fear. I always turn to Phil 4:13 “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.” Thank you Holy Family Young Adults for coming into my life, lighting a fire in my faith, and giving me such an amazing experience. “Holy Family Young Adults have given me a place that feels like home, when I felt so lost from a home since moving to Nashville.”

My name is Kaitlin Stice. I am 24 years old, and I moved to Nashville for college 5 years ago. I grew up in a small farm town in Illinois, where I knew every single person I went to church with. I also grew up singing in my church choir from a very young age. Church was somewhere I felt at home with a community around me. My faith and music are two very important things in my life.

When I moved to Nashville, I struggled finding a faith community, and I missed worshipping God through music. My faith took a toll during this time of feeling lost. I still went to a few different churches, but I had no fire in my faith. After four years of searching, I saw an advertisement about Holy Family Young Adults Mass with worship music.

I had been praying for God to guide me to where I was supposed to be. The first mass I went to, I immediately felt at peace. It was an amazing feeling to look around and see people my age enveloped in their faith. I connected with the music during the mass and instantly wanted to be a part of everything.

At the social afterwards, I felt so welcomed by

everyone who was there. I made immediate friends and was overwhelmed by the feeling of gratitude for God answering my prayers. It still makes me emotional to this day.

Since then, I have been invited onto the core team for the Young Adult Group, and I sing every Wednesday at Mass. I have watched this group grow so much over the past year, and it continues to inspire me every Wednesday to see it keep growing.

After becoming so involved, this group has opened so many doors for me spiritually and musically. Holy Family Young Adults have given me a place that feels like home, when I felt so lost from a home since moving to Nashville. This group gave me some of the closest friends I have made here Nashville, people that I know I can turn to for anything. This group has given me memories already that will last a lifetime. I know I have a community and a family at Holy Family Young Adults.

I have never felt more close to God, and my faith is alive. I feel so loved. My passion is to continue to help more people have an experience with this group like I did. I want people to know they are welcome here and to feel like they have a community with Holy Family Young Adults.

Coming into this can be intimidating, scary, and uncomfortable, but I hope this can encourage faith to overcome fear. I always turn to Phil 4:13 “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.” Thank you Holy Family Young Adults for coming into my life, lighting a fire in my faith, and giving me such an amazing experience.