4 minute read
DEAR DR. JAI: Is it weird that I am starting a relationship and already having strong feelings for someone during a pandemic? I have been single for a very long time and finally had the nerve to get on a dating site and met this great guy. He seems like everything I ever wanted, but because of the pandemic we haven’t met. Should I slow things down? He’s already told me he is falling in love.
Signed, ~IsitLove
Thank you for writing queen. In all honesty, your question has a reoccurring theme that I am hearing more and more by women and men alike. The truth is that dating in these days and times is indeed different and finding new ways of meeting people especially online has become the new norm. So, let’s talk… about (duh... duh … duh) …love! Everyone who knows me knows I love talking about love and all its components in between, but in my reality and my opinion love doesn’t fit into one description. Just like a lot of us, I have fallen in love; thought I had fallen in love and been in and out of love a few times in my life. Each of these experiences were at the time something amazingly special and all were very different. With that said, my feelings are that the true definition of love is remarkably different for everyone. When we are first beginning a relationship there is a heavy production of hormones that can indeed give us an overwhelming feeling that one could consider love, but it could really can be love… right?! So, are you ready? I’m going to give you some JRDA (Jai’s Real Deal Advice).
• Take your time and focus on getting to know him. Statistics do show that it takes a year or more to really get to know someone, but not everyone fits into a statistic so follow your intuition on what is best for you.
• Remember it’s okay to follow your heart. If you both are feeling love that’s a beautiful thing. The beauty of love is that if you both are feeling it there is no rush…with love comes patience.
• Pay special attention to your feelings. Always make sure you feel comfortable and unpressured and if he truly loves you then this won’t be a problem at all.
So, to answer your questions, I don’t think it is crazy “at all” to meet your new found guy online. My advice is the same as any good friend, parent or coach and that is to just be careful, making sure he is who he says he is. Review his social media presence as this is important., Is he good with his family? Is he okay with facetime? Always listen to your gut and notice the red flags. People meet people in the strangest places. I have met someone in a Starbucks, in a club, and on an airplane and each were all special in different ways and meant for me in that moment in time. Dating on line like anywhere else have nice guys and not so nice ones. There are jerks everywhere so again trust your instincts. My rule for you is if there is more than three red flags, you aren’t evenly yoked.

But you have to trust, believe, and use your intuition to determine when enough is enough for you. Remember “YOU GOT THIS”, and all will fall into place! Blessings to you and may you find your happily ever after”. ~Dr. Jai
Strategic Ladies Generational Prospective Tips
• Be mindful of how this relationship makes you feel about your true self…
• Acknowledge the red flags so that you can rid yourself of negative energy…
• Follow your instincts …and Background checks are good
Monthly Mindful Relationship Quote
“With all of your mite embrace the good and rid yourself of the all that is negative...Nourish you heart as you do your body “ ~Dr. Jai

Listen to Dr. Jai and her fellow strategic lady Dr. Estella. On the Mindful Media Show airing life weekly for relationship talks with a generational perspective. Go to www.strategicladies.com and www.askdrjai.com for dates and showtimes.
DR. Jacinta CK (Dr. JAI)

VISIT: WWW.ASKDRJAI.COM DR. Estella (Mindful Dr. E)

Disclaimer Notice: All coaching/intuitive advice given on any platform, article, magazine, website etc.; does not substitute a medical practitioner or any other expert advice. All choices you make in life are your responsibility and in no way does Dr.Jai (Jacinta) guarantee and does not accept any liability for indirect or direct damage that may arise or for any loss or damage of any kind. Be safe, make wise choices and be blessed. All rights reserved and nothing can be partially or in whole be reprinted or reproduced without a written consent.