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《與瑪利亞共舞》Dancing with Maria
紀錄片 Documentary 阿根廷、意大利、斯洛維尼亞 | Argentina, Italy, Slovenia
十二月 Dec 7 10am - Dec 20 11pm
Loop screening on No Limits website
片長約 1 小時 15 分鐘 電影設有兩場網上分享會 西班牙語及意大利語對白,附中、英文通達字幕 請勿擅自錄音或錄影 Approx 1 hour 15 minutes There will be two online sharing sessions Dialogue in Spanish and Italian, with Traditional Chinese and English accessible captions Unauthorized photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited © Transmedia Production
編劇及導演 Written and Directed by 伊凡.格戈萊特 Ivan Gergolet
攝影 Camera 伊凡.格戈萊特、大衛.盧比奧 Ivan Gergolet, David Rubio
剪接 Editing 娜塔莉.克利斯蒂阿妮 Natalie Cristiani
作曲 Composer 盧卡.丘特 Luca Ciut
聲音剪接 Sound Editing 哈維爾.格戈萊特、法蘭契斯高.莫羅西尼 Havir Gergolet, Francesco Morosini
製作 Produced by 跨媒體 ( 意大利 ) Transmedia (Italy)
監製 Producer 伊戈.普林捷 Igor Princic
聯合製作 Co-produced by 想像影片 ( 阿根廷 )、拱門製作 ( 意大利 )、老車庫 ( 斯洛維尼亞 ) Imaginada Films (Argentina), Arch Production (Italy), Staragara (Slovenia)
國際銷售 International Sales 彈叉影業 Slingshot Films
支持機構 With the support of MEDIA 發展基金、弗優尼.威尼斯亞.朱利亞影音基金、 國家電影和視聽藝術學院 ( 阿根廷 )、斯洛維尼亞電影中心、韋伯國際電影製片廠 MEDIA Development, Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, INCAA, Slovenski Filmski Center, VIBA Film Studio International
《與瑪利亞共舞》講述瑪利亞.福斯的故事,她的工作,以及與學生之間的關係。 影片圍繞一個問題展開:「限制是否有可能轉化成機遇?」我們追蹤她在排練室工作的情景, 見證舞蹈如何改變學生們的生活。 戴安娜她讓我們看到舞蹈如何改變一位小兒麻痺症患者的一生。 馬高斯與瑪卡蓮娜兩位患有唐氏綜合症的年青人,在福斯的排練室相遇並產生感情。多得 福斯的教導,他倆得以透過肢體語言,將這段情感關係用舞蹈表現出來。 我們一同踏上尋找瑪利亞.加里多的旅程。1971 年,這一位當年只有四歲的聾啞小孩,被駐 守於安地斯山脈的士兵發現,其後在一位修女的監護下成長,並成為福斯的首位聾人學生。 當我們跟進福斯的工作坊時,了解到她的身體哲學。她重新審視「限制」的定義,解讀 身為殘障人士的意思⸺所有人都有自己的限制,而我們都會嘗試去理解與克服。在窮盡一 生去教授這個概念後,福斯接收了最後一位學生,可能是最難處理的一個:年屆 90 歲的自己。 她在這最後一場戰役中奮戰,對抗自己身體的限制。 Dancing with Maria tells the story of Maria Fux, her work, and her relationships with her students. The film revolves around one question: Is it possible to turn limitations into possibilities?
We follow her work in the studio and witness how dance changes the lives of her students.
We meet Diana, who shows us how dance changes the life of a woman affected by poliomyelitis.
We meet Marcos and Macarena, two teenagers with Down syndrome who met each other in Maria's studio and developed an emotional relationship that manifests itself in dance, which was expressed through a language of their bodies cultivated thanks to Fux's teachings.
We join the search for Maria Garrido, a deaf-mute child who, at the age of four in 1971, was found by the soldiers in the Andes Mountains. The child’s custody was granted to a nun and she became one of the first deaf students of Fux.
As we follow the workshops of Fux, we see her philosophy of the body. She does not focus on the concept of being someone with disabilities; rather, she works with the idea of limits—all of us have our limits, which we seek to comprehend and overcome. After having taught this concept for her whole life, Fux receives one last student, maybe the most difficult one of all—herself, at the age of 90.
She fights one last battle -- the struggle against the limits of her own body.
瑪利亞.福斯 Maria Fux 阿根廷舞者、編舞、舞蹈治療師 Argentinian Dancer, Choreographer, Dance Therapist
瑪利亞.福斯 1922 年生於布宜諾斯艾利斯,其舞者生涯早於年輕時已經展開。 1954 至 1960 年間,她是布宜諾斯艾利斯的哥倫布劇院首席女芭蕾舞蹈員之一。1968 年, 她在世界音樂療法大會上發表了題為「舞蹈療法」的論文,提出有關舞蹈作為聽障人士的教 育工具與表達方式之重要性。自此之後,福斯就成為歐美地區舞蹈療法教育的重要人物。 今天,福斯的方法已被應用在不同年齡、患有感官障礙及唐氏綜合症,以及擁有不同心理或 生理狀況的病人之復康及治療上。2002 年 5 月 14 日,福斯獲授予布宜諾斯艾利斯傑出市民 的榮譽。 Maria Fux was born in 1922 in Buenos Aires, and she started her career as a dancer at a young age. She was one of the prima ballerinas of the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires between 1954 and 1960. In 1968, she presented her paper, "The Dance Therapy", at the World Congress of Music Therapy, introducing the theme of the importance of dance as an educational tool and a means of expression for hearing-impaired people. Since then, Fux has become a leading figure in dance therapy education and training in Europe and America.
Today, Fux's method is used for rehabilitation and treatment of patients of different ages with sensory impairments and Down syndrome, as well as various psychological or physical conditions. On 14 May 2002, Fux was honoured as an Illustrious Citizen of Buenos Aires.
伊凡.格戈萊特 1977 年於意大利出生,博洛尼亞大學 電影系畢業。自 2001 年起,編寫及執導過不少得獎短 片、紀錄片及企業錄像。 Ivan Gergolet was born in Italy in 1977 and graduated in Cinema from the University of Bologna. Since 2001, he has written and directed a number of award-winning short films, documentaries and industrial videos. 伊凡.格戈萊特 Ivan Gergolet 導演 Director
導演的話 Director’s Notes
我在 2010 年 2 月遇見瑪利亞.福斯。我太 I met Maria Fux in February 2010. My wife 太曾當過她的學生五年,她在失去母親後向 had been her student for about five years. 瑪利亞求助,而在參與過工作坊後,終 She approached Maria after losing her mother 於走出哀傷。瑪利亞後來成為我人生中 and managed to overcome that grief after 一個重要人物,我親身見證了舞蹈如何 attending her workshops. Maria became an 改變身體,此外亦能夠影響人與人之間的 important person in my life, and I have seen 親密關係。 firsthand how dance can change not only 正因如此,我希望我的影片可以講述瑪利亞, 以及她的舞蹈如何為人們的生活帶來改變: the body but also the intimate relationship between individuals. 並非是改變社會的偉大革新,但足以改變每 For this reason, I want my film to portray 一個人的深層意識。 Maria and the changes her dance brings 作為首位獲准拍攝她工作坊的電影人,我聚焦 於她日常工作中有趣的部分,而且是我自己 能夠在排練室內體驗到的。我選擇去跟進一 to people's lives: no great revolutions that change society, but intimate awareness that changes individuals. 些人物,展示與瑪利亞共舞後怎樣改變了他 As the first filmmaker allowed to film 們的生活。他們的故事就如一幅由馬賽克碎 her workshops, I concentrated more on 片砌成的人像畫作,每一塊碎片代表著生命 the interesting aspects of her everyday work, 中各種困難,但最終也能找到克服的方法, which I myself have been able to experience in 繼續成長並成為一個完整的生命個體。 the studio. I chose to follow some secondary characters to show how dancing with Maria changes lives. Their stories are the pieces of a single mosaic from which emerges the image of people who, despite the difficulties imposed by life, have managed to find a way to overcome their limitations and grow as human beings.