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For a town of less than 10,000 residents, Oak Brook has become very well known for its restaurants, even restaurant chain headquarters. And, we want to celebrate Restaurant Week, April 22-30, with you.

How Oak Brook Became A Dining Mecca

It all started with the vision of Paul Butler who wanted to create an upscale community where people of means could live, work, play, shop, and enjoy the finer things in life…to include dining. It even became a focal point for 47 years as the headquarters of the largest restaurant chain in the world… McDonald’s.

This development as a dining center didn’t happen overnight. In fact, it has taken decades.

While Paul Butler set an enviable foundation with his vision for Oak Brook as a village, Oak Brook dining could have never happened unless Chicago itself hadn’t become a draw for restaurants and restaurateurs.

According to Phil Vettel, Chicago Tribune dining critic for 31 years, “I had a ring-side seat and watched as Chicago evolved. Top chefs like Rick Bayless came to town, after spending years in Mexico learning how to prepare authentic Mexican fare. Others, like Charlie Trotter, were self-taught. Still, others learned at locations like Gordon’s, who in turn, taught the likes of John Terzcak, Ron Blazek, Michael Smith, Stewart Parsons, and Don Yamauchi.”

Of course, one of the most well‹ Original story continues here: