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Producing quality embroidery will set you apart from many of the embroiderers out there that only turn out average quality. Take a look at embroidery in some of the retail stores and you will see a wide difference in quality. You could say that if the consumer is accepting this, then why bother changing? The answer is that most people will always pay extra for quality goods. This will allow you to create more business and charge a higher price.

So, let’s take a look at how you can ensure that your embroidery production is as good as possible.

Look at the design before it’s digitised

The first step starts when you take the initial order. You must look at the artwork and decide what parts are suitable for embroidery and what are not. For example, very small lettering may not be possible compared to print. If you have your own design software, there should be special lettering fonts that are suitable for very small ones. If you are looking at a design with large areas of fill stitch, you might want to consider using an applique material that will cut down on the number of stitches and the time taken to sew. If you are sending your designs out to be digitised, they should advise you on what’s good for embroidery or not if you are not sure. To find a good digitiser, try sending the same design to say three companies and then compare the results.

Framing the garment and backing material

Correct framing is essential if you want the finished embroidery to look top class. Make sure that the material is taught in the frame with no wrinkles. The ideal hoop for an embroidery design is one that just fits, and fits just inside the hoop limits. This would help prevent any registration and puckering issues. Amaya Sales UK supply the Hoopmaster framing system which will make the above easy. Visit: https://www.amayauk.com/ products/accessories/melco-accessories/ hoopmaster/ The backing material is also very important and is used as a stabilizer for the garment. There are two main types of backing, one is called “tear away” and the other “cut away”. Tear away backing is used for more stable fabrics and cut away for the more unstable fabrics such as knits or loosely woven fabrics. There are also some special backing materials that are mainly used for lighter weight fabrics. Please ask your supplier for more details. Also, look out for special frames in the market to help you hoop and embroider in difficult places, Amaya Sales UK offer the Melco fast clamp, which is a great one product solution for framing. Visit: https://www.amayauk.com/ product/melco-fast-clamp-pro/

Cap embroidery

Cap embroidery has not always been easy to produce, but with the introduction of the latest framing systems from Amaya Sales UK this has improved tremendously. Cap embroidery is easy nowadays and is very profitable. Visit: https://www.amayauk. com/products/accessories/melcoaccessories/cap-frames/

Maintain your machine

Now that you have a well-prepared design and your garment is framed correctly, you should turn your attention to your embroidery machine. Make sure that all your tensions are set correctly between the top and bobbin thread. Some machines have automatic tensioning which takes all the guess work away and allows you to run fast and efficient embroidery production. Check that the stitch quality is good and consistent in all colours. Use a design that you know sews correctly before trying this. Make sure that there are no loops in the top thread, this could be a sign that the sewing hooks need re-timing. Check that your operator is oiling and maintaining your machine to a good standard.

Look out for new products

Last but not least, always keep a lookout for new machines or products that can help improve your production and quality. Visit www.amayauk.com or call their experienced team on 02392 590 281 to arrange a visit to their permanent exhibition centres.

Out-performs every other multi-head in the market

Melco EMT16X modular embroidery machines give you outstanding embroidery production, increasing your profits and giving your customers unparalleled high-quality products they will keep coming back for!

Around 17 years ago, Melco redefined efficiency with the first networkable modular embroidery system. The Melco EMT16X is the latest generation of the most efficient, productive embroidery system in the world. The Melco EMT16X is a multi-tasking modular embroidery machine that outperforms every other multi-head in the industry. More and more large multi-head customers have proved that the Melco EMT16X modular machines not only drastically increased their production on smaller orders but can double production on bulk orders.

Outstanding Performance, Efficiency and Stitch Quality.

Thanks to enhanced Melco stitch dynamics, the frequency of “thread issues” is minimized. This means more run time per machine and greater ROI (return on investment) potential. Please call us now on 02392 590281 to find out more

about the many benefits for your business on the new Melco EMT16X modular embroidery machine or arrange for a full

demonstration at one of our showrooms.

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