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Student Story

Emily Makeev, Class of 2024

When I first came to Davis, my family told me about Hillel and suggested that I check it out, and I am so glad that I did! The first event that I went to was a Russian cooking night on a Thursday, and I remember how fun it was to meet other Jewish students, make food, and practice my Russian. My parents are immigrants from the USSR, so going to all of these Russian cultural events hit close to home. Everyone I met was very warm and welcoming, and it encouraged me to come back for more events at Hillel.


I went on a couple of coffee dates with the Hillel interns to learn more. I really appreciated the opportunity to ask questions and hear about the different ways to become involved. I also started attending the weekly Shabbat dinners and Tuesday dinners where I met many of my closest friends. I feel incredibly lucky to have met them at Hillel and am grateful that even when the quarter gets hectic, I can always count on Tuesday and Friday nights for an opportunity to eat dinner at Hillel with my friends and catch up and relax. The themes of every Shabbat are always a lot of fun and a great way to learn new things! I also appreciate the study hours and snacks at Hillel, as I often come to Hillel to study or take a break and play ping pong or billiards with my friends.

In addition to spending time at Hillel, I also appreciate the events that Hillel has hosted outside of Davis. For example, I went on outdoor trips with Hillel, and had an amazing time rock climbing and hiking! This summer I joined Hillel for the Birthright trip, which was an incredible experience. It was my first time in Israel, and it was very exciting to learn about Israel and explore the country with my friends from Hillel.

Overall, I am very grateful for all the opportunities and experiences that Hillel has provided. Through Hillel I met many close friends and found a strong Jewish community on campus, which has significantly improved my college experience. Hillel has allowed me to experience many things that I otherwise wouldn’t have, such as rock climbing and going to Israel, and I really appreciate Hillel for organizing these activities. The Jewish community that Hillel has created has made me feel more at home in Davis, and I’m thankful for the dinners, holidays, and regular afternoons that I can spend with the wonderful Jewish community at Hillel.