10 minute read

Naomi Isted

Naomi Isted is not only a Former Pupil of the School but also a world-renowned Travel and Fashion Broadcaster and Influencer who is regularly featured in the media. After leaving the School, Naomi studied Broadcast Journalism at Abertay University before going on to study Fashion Journalism at the London School of Journalism.

Now living in southern England, Naomi has her own blog, Ultimate Lifestylist, which focuses on her love of fashion, travel and interiors. She has also featured three times in British Vogue and regularly in The Daily Mail, People Mag and Elle. Additionally, Naomi has appeared on daytime shows such as GMB and This Morning, as well as national radio.

Naomi’s love of fashion went one step further when she was asked to step onto the catwalk to walk at London Fashion Week. She has also collaborated with brands such as Sony, British Airways and Land Rover on several exciting projects. In particular Naomi has worked with travel clients to showcase affordable, fun and family focused getaway destinations.

Thank you very much Naomi for taking the time to answer some questions for us today. Let’s start by reminiscing on your time at HSD. What are some of your best memories you have of being at school?

I adored History, English and Drama but I think some of my best memories would have definitely been in Drama.

Were there any teachers who particularly inspired you?

English, History, Drama and French were my all-time favourite subjects and I loved my teachers. I think the impact a great teacher can make on one’s learning experience is so crucial!

Are you still in touch with any of your friends from school?

Funnily enough my old bestie Helen Arbuckle and I were whatsapp’ing this past weekend reminiscing about school days, so yes there’s a few I keep in touch with for sure.

If you could describe your school-aged self in three words, what would they be?

Positive, anxious and bubbly. That may seem an odd combination but us creatives can come across as outwardly confident but inwardly we can be a bit anxious and lacking in confidence.

What skills do you think we should be focusing on in education today to help our young people for the future?

I think moving with the times is the key to education. I think mindset is also important. As tech and digital expands so does the world of fashion, art and film along with many other industries. Schools need to adapt accordingly to societal changes as children may have great academic records but no life skills for the fast moving digital and tech age, which can create not just millionaires but billionaires!

After finishing school, you stayed in Dundee a little while longer to study Broadcast Journalism at Abertay University. At what point did you realise that Fashion Journalism more specifically was the area you wished to pursue further?

I think it was quite clear from a young age I never followed trends. Internships in regional news and sports were a great grounding, however my interests lay in the arts; fashion, art history, culture and linguistics not in politics and the news. So, I chose to follow my passion. I think through a good education teamed with passion is how we can create success and happiness, then you never feel like you are at work as every day is a journey of growth and development.

You clearly have a very creative mind having launched your own fashion and travel blog. What was your inspiration for creating your blog?

As I trained as a Broadcast Journalist my creativity is expressed through different mediums all the time. Some months I’m working on TV, radio or with digital shooting video and then at other times I write. I’ve had columns in the Evening Standard and Herald Scotland, and I’ve also self-published my children’s book. For me, writing is another form of creative expression and the blog seemed a perfect fit for this.

Being an Influencer today can be quite competitive. Have you ever been faced with any obstacles and if so, how did you overcome them?

Yes, all the time. I am completely authentic in my content; I don’t look to other people and think I’m going to copy that. I do think Instagram can be quite samey at times, which can get a little dull. I have also noticed a range of the same women copying my content and approaching the brands I work with, but I see it as a positive as they must find my content interesting!

Travelling is something which is featured regularly on your blog and your Instagram feed. Of all the countries and cities you have visited, where has been your favourite and why?

Wow I’m asked this a lot and it’s a tough one. For work my favourite is Los Angeles, for nature and being with friends Saint Lucia is our family favourite and then in Europe for holidays it has to be Quinta do Lago in Portugal.

Your podcast, The Ultimate Lifestylist Show, must allow you to speak with a variety of fascinating people. Who has been your most interesting or favourite guest?

I think one of my ultimate favourites was probably LA-based Scottish actress/producer Louise Linton. She discussed her latest movie which she wrote, produced and starred in alongside Ed Westwick. She’s living my Hollywood alter ego dream but is also a strong empowering female which I love.

You have also appeared in magazines such as British Vogue and Elle, which must have been moments to be proud of! What campaigns were you involved with at the time you were featured in the magazines?

During the Elle shoot I had been on the NY Fashion Times Front Row Top 10 and at the time I had a fashion column in the Evening Standard. I think it was also around the time I was filming Red Carpet Style for E! for both the Baftas and Emmys.

It’s no secret that you love London Fashion Week. You stepped onto the catwalk for designer Jayne Pierson one year, what was that like?

I’m not a model so that was a really nerve wracking experience for me. Put a camera in front of me and I can talk for hours. But a catwalk and heels with lots of attendees and gorgeous super tall models was quite overwhelming. The support I got was incredible though and it gave me a complete strut in my stride on the catwalk!

You also hosted your very own #catwalkforacause fashion show in 2019. Can you tell us a little bit about the event and the charities you were supporting?

I am an ambassador for The Pink Ribbon Foundation, which is a breast cancer charity. I also work with various other charities as philanthropy and raising awareness are key to my values. I think wherever and whenever we can use our voice to help others we should. #catwalkforacause was a brilliant celebrity fundraiser and a great day to raise awareness and support those with, or who have battled, breast cancer.

As well as appearing on daytime television shows like GMB and This Morning, you’ve covered events such as The Oscars, which is very impressive! How did these opportunities come about? And what has been the most exciting event or project you’ve ever covered?

My whole career has been very organic as I believe in god and the universe and I always try and follow the signs and trust the process. For me, if one door closes I never take it as a negative as I believe something else is always around the corner. These opportunities happened very organically. I feel incredibly blessed to have worked with so many amazing talents. I remember hosting the Grammy’s BTS with Ashley Roberts from the Pussycat Dolls and a bunch of other amazing actors and singers.

It sounds as though you’ve had a very successful career, but what would you say has been your most rewarding moment?

Wow that’s a tough one! Probably when I was flown to California to film fashion and spent 10 days working around Cali and Los Angeles. Or maybe even further back when I was presenting a wine TV series. Again, I was filming in California, but that time was around the vineyards in Napa and Sonoma!

You’ve recently dipped your toes into the world of interior design and have launched your own business, Isted Property. Tell us a little about this venture and how you got involved with the world of interior design.

Isted Property is mine and my husband’s business. He has always been a Project Manager for big multi-million-pound commercial clients, but we started buying and renovating our own projects. We also now have a large portfolio of clients we work with. However, with my background in Fashion it is just a natural progression to property; mood boards, colour palettes, fabrics, there’s a lot of crossover.

As well as leading a very busy and exciting career, you’re also a mother of two. How do you manage to juggle your busy work schedule with your home life?

I get up at 5am and meditate before the kids are up. I also squeeze in a HIIT session and I find it’s so much easier to start my day once I have had my calm and workout time before the madness begins.

Do you have any hobbies or activities that you like to do to destress after a long day?

Meditation, yoga and bike riding are my hobbies that keep me calm and grounded.

What would you say have been the three most important things in helping you build your career to where it is now?

I think my mindset, drive, belief in myself and gratitude have been essential. One’s mindset is everything! I will never settle until I achieve what I want, and I dust myself off and pick myself back up if I encounter any setbacks.

If you could offer your younger self any advice, knowing what you know about your industry now, what would you say?

There’s going to be knocks and rejections but don’t get too disheartened by this. Take the positives from these setbacks as they will help you grow and become a successful person. Knocks and failure are just showing you are pushing for your dreams. So, believe in yourself as you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Do you have any plans or exciting projects in the pipeline going forwards?

Yes I do. I am launching my own fitness workouts with The Wellness of Oz studios in LA and my trainer Glenn Shelford. It’s called ‘Fit mums in 30 days’. I am also bringing out my own luxury travel accessories range and possibly launching my own wine by 2022 which is incredibly exciting!

And finally, a fun question to end with! If you could sit down for dinner with any one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

That’s so difficult to choose just one person! I’d have to say my top three would be Alexander McQueen, Notorious BIG and Madonna.

If you’d like to explore Naomi’s social media channels you can do so using the below:

Personal account: www.instagram.com/naomikisted Ultimatelifestylist: www.instagram.com/ultimatelifestylist Isted Property: www.instagram.com/istedproperty