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On our tour, the students guiding us were so positive when they talked about their experience. They had an excited energy. It’s like when you show off your new home to family and friends. You’re proud of what you’ve done and where you live. It was that same emotion coming from the students. The students talked about the campus like their home and the people there like their family. That really spoke to us. On tours of other schools, the students didn’t hold their heads up. They didn’t hold the door for each other or smile. They were glum, and it brought down the mood of the entire campus. We realized quickly that it’s hard to match HPU.”

When my eldest son and I were looking at schools, HPU was on the need-to-visit list. When we visited the university in the spring of 2014, we were extremely impressed by the campus, its environment and the people we met. There’s one thing I heard that day, and it’s still as memorable to me now as if it was said yesterday. During the tour, as our tour guide was driving us, I asked her if she could show us something mediocre. She stopped the golf cart, looked me in the eyes and said — “This is High Point University. We don’t have anything mediocre.” How accurate she was.”


Up until our HPU tour, no other college had made it personal. Not one school talked about the real world. Not one school talked about God, family and country. Not one school talked about preparing my daughter with life skills. Not one school, until that very moment, made us feel at home. High Point University was that school. The fact that the campus, faculty and staff are amazing is a huge bonus, but the real reason we chose HPU was for its extraordinary education and the university’s values and beliefs. That’s what sets HPU apart from all the others we had considered. We knew High Point would teach her lessons that last a lifetime.”

We saw and felt things at HPU that we hadn’t felt at other universities. Aside from being one of the most beautiful campuses we’ve ever seen, there are so many purposeful, little things that matter on the HPU campus. While standing inside the Wilson School of Commerce, our guide explained that the purpose behind the building’s design was to make the students feel as if they were walking into a Fortune 500 company every day. It was a means of preparing them for the real working world. Wow! At that moment we got it. We looked at each other and knew we wanted our daughters at HPU. It was hard to contain our excitement and enthusiasm, not wanting to overly influence our daughter’s decision. We just hoped she had the same feeling. Turns out, she did. We were ecstatic when our younger daughter chose to attend HPU as well.”