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Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Duke of Edinburgh’s temporary expedition guidelines

Please see the temporary expedition guidelines below that will give our DofE participants the opportunity to complete their awards this year.


Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Volunteer Hours

Across the Central England region an incredible 596,804 hours of volunteering have been carried out by participants. This has provided £2,596,097 worth of social value back into local communities across the region.

Volunteering provides vital support to local communities across the country, it also provides young people with the opportunity to take part in new experiences, develop new skills and feel a sense of pride in supporting the communities that they live in.

We are proud of the commitment and dedication of our Duke of Edinburgh’s Award students who have volunteered in our local community. In total Highfields students who achieved their volunteering section between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020 donated 494 hours of voluntary service to the local community and the social value of these hours is £2,148 (based on the minimum wage for under 18’s of £4.35 multiplied by the total amount of volunteering hours conducted). This is based on students completing the minimum one hour weekly time commitment over the minimum duration for their Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards – well done!

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