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WHD Quiz Winners

Riverland, Here We Come!

World Hepatitis Day quiz winners


Stop B, Cure C Quiz winners, Kylie and Lauren, are looking forward to using their $500 vouchers for holidays with their families.

Kylie plans to take her grandchildren camping one or two at a time. “I love river fishing so Riverland here we come!”

Lauren hopes to use her voucher for a week’s holiday with her partner and dog, in their caravan, once they’ve decided where to go.

Both Lauren and Kylie found the quiz, part of Hepatitis SA’s World Hepatitis Day promotion this year, an interesting and enlightening exercise.

“I found the quiz a useful exercise—it was concise but very informative,” said Lauren.

“Working in healthcare, I am aware of the importance of screening for asymptomatic diseases. However, I was surprised to learn how high the number of people who don’t know they have hepatitis is: 1 in 4 people with hepatitis B and 1 in 5 people with hepatitis C!

“As a result of completing this quiz I will be thinking about discussing screening with people more often.” Kylie said she found the quiz relatively easy although she did go back and reread some of the information to doublecheck her answers. “I learnt that you could have hepatitis B or C and not be aware of it,” she added. “Thanks for running the competition.”

Other quiz participants have commented that they hadn’t realised that hepatitis is not included in routine blood tests. “Need to ask my doctor to include hepatitis B and C in my routine blood test, didn’t realize that it’s not included in the routine check,” said one.

Another participant didn’t realise there even was a vaccine for hepatitis B. Besides promotion to the wider community, the Stop B, Cure C Quiz was also the focus of activities with some community groups.

Fifty seniors from the Chinese Welfare Services were taken through the quiz information and questions in two separate COVID-safe sessions. Participants entered a paper version of the quiz for an on-the-spot prize draw, as well as being entered into the online competition.

The quiz was actively promoted over two days to the Spire Community Hope’s Café and Op Shop visitors, who were also given the opportunity to enter a paper version of the quiz with a draw for a small gourmet food pack.

We would also like to thank everyone who entered our World Hepatitis Day CNP/ Helpline Promotion (see back cover of last issue). The lucky participants, each winning a gift card were, Fred, Jacinta and John.

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