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How to figure out Money so that you can have more of it...
How to figure out Money so that you can have more of it...
Karen Baines
Money. We love it and sometimes hate it (or resent it).
We live for it, work for it, obsess about it; some of us forget it, scratch for it, look for it, spend too much of it, try to figure it out, dream of it, avoid it, spread it around, and swap it. But whatever we do with it, money has a pretty central place in our lives. Like oxygen. Can we do without it? Maybe…but why?
Whatever our relationship with it, money is a pretty awesome tool that moves the whole world onwards every day.
Money represents value. Human beings designed money and created money so that we could exchange it for that which we value. We assign value with our money to that which we want.
Value is energy as everything is energy, including money, of course.
My work is with the space of energy, and predominantly the energy underneath everything we do. Now, money is no different to anything else. Money is energy, just the same as everything is; we're all connected, and money's no different.
Human beings designed money and created money so that we could exchange it for that which we value. We assign value with our money to that which we want.
Before you have it or spend it, money aligns itself naturally to the vibrations of responsibility and power. It's creational energy. And it's creational energy because human beings are designed to create. They create through the process of choice and consequence. So when you make a choice, the choice has an energy underneath it that the universe reacts and responds to, reads, reacts and responds to by saying, yes, here you are, have some more. And it then drops in a consequence that matches the original frequency of the original choice. Choice and consequence - that is how human beings create. So that is why money is creational energy.
It's very close friends with freedom because freedom IS choice. To have choice is freedom - being able to choose whatever it is you want to do.
Many people are a long way from freedom because they are a long way from money. What does that look like? Well, it might look something like this kind of self-talk:
"I've got a really lousy relationship with money. It just doesn't like me.' "I've got money blocks. It doesn't hang around long'. "I don't like money. All it seems to do is cause me problems". "It makes me uncomfortable. It makes me feel like I'm materialistic or greedy or whatever. I'm not really interested in any of that stuff."
But there is something that I do say to these people that hopefully will give them a different perspective on money. And once we've had that conversation, my intention is that they see money in this different light. And they actually see it for the very spiritual energy that it actually is. Because it gives us the freedom to do what we want. Human beings designed money so that we could exchange it for that which we value.
So before money was a thing, it was bartering. I'll swap my sheep for three of your chickens. Or I'm going to swap my chicken for half a dozen of your turnips and a bunch of carrots. That's how we operated, which was I would imagine, quite cumbersome, quite hard work.
We'd have to raise the chickens that we were going to exchange for the sheep. Livestock requires care and attention. Growing food and vegetables requires care and attention. We are not all designed to be gardeners and grow our own vegetables.
We're not all designed to get up at 4:00 AM and go down to the cow shed and milk the cow. I certainly am not one of those. I love a bit of gardening, but I'm not interested in vegetables. I like flowers, and you can't really eat flowers.
So human beings designed coins so that we could exchange them for that which we value. And what that meant was that we could give cash, we could give money to people who had the goods that we valued that we wanted, but we didn't actually want to spend time taking care of or rearing ourselves.
That meant that we didn't have to get up at four, or five o'clock in the morning. We could stay in bed.
That meant that, instead of going out and doing the harvesting or instead of going out and making sure that the vegetables were free from slugs and snails, we could actually do something that we wanted to do, something that we were designed to do, one of our own gifts.
So having coins gave us power and freedom. And we called the coins 'currency' - another form of energy!
Having currency meant that we could exchange money to do what we wanted to do. Spend time doing that which we value. And what we spend our money on tends to be our own divine self-expression. That really hasn't changed a bit for oodles of centuries.
The things that we really want to spend our money on that bring us joy and light us up are expressions of our divine self. Money enables us to do that. Life is so much easier when we've got money to allow space for our divine self-expression. This is why money really is a very spiritual thing.
That is also why when you assign value with your time to your divine gifts, you vibrate at a frequency that creates money. So that you can choose to spend more time doing your divine gift, which vibrates naturally at a high frequency, which in turn creates money so that you can spend more time doing your divine self-expression. Expressing yourself divinely in the world is what we came here to do, and money is a channel for that.
How can something that represents freedom, choice, divine self-expression, and creation, possibly be anything but freaking awesome. There is no room anywhere in your lives to have anything but love and gratitude for money.
So, anyone that comes to me and tells me that they've got a strange relationship with money or that they're not friends with money, or they don't like money because they don't like it, they know it doesn't want to stick around and all of that - it's all rubbish as far as I'm concerned. It means absolutely nothing. Make friends with your money because it wants nothing more than to be friends with you. And you do that by recognising the freedom that it does give you and being grateful for that.
Does that resonate with you? It is simply impossible to grow more money if you consider money as anything less than the most sacred and powerful tool we have - along the same lines as love!
In fact, money does resonate with the frequency of love. It's humans who have appropriated too much control and power over money who have warped our idea that money is anything less than divine.
So if you are in any zone of discomfort around money, for example, it's hard to get, and it doesn't want to hang around, or if money shows up as not your friend and you are avoiding it, and it doesn't seem to want to be around you, that's not because of money. That's because of you.
When you've got more money, you've got more choices - which is how you create through choice and consequence. Choice equals Power and Responsibility.
Once you have that awareness, and you put those two together in a congruent way, you will be able to make aligned choices that will create more abundance.
For business owners, what that looks like is revenue. So your choices and consequences are always going to show up in your business.
Let's take Power first.

You must ensure that your expenses are aligned to the energy of Power Expenditure. When you spend your money, what energy are you assigning value to?
For example, when you buy something, you must be sure that it resonates with what you want to create more of, energetically!
Maybe it's to experience more joy or perhaps freedom.
So if you're assigning value to joy or freedom with money, you're going to create more of that energy.
What do you ultimately want to create through your business? What is the energetic representation of that? Is it Joy and Freedom, expansion, exhilaration, or something else? Whatever it is, that's the energy underneath your expenditure intention; I call it your Target Energy.
Your Target Energy is what you desire more of in your life, so assign value with your purchases to that energy as much as possible.
Here's one of my fundamental principles with that:
"The energy beneath that choice creates a consequence that resonates to the original choice".
Let's say, for example, your target energy is freedom because that's what's underneath your intention. To create freedom, you've got to make choices that resonate with freedom, thereby becoming a vibrational match for freedom.
And since money is one of the ways that we assign value to things, we must then make sure that our expenditure resonates with freedom.
And that creates power - the money you have absolute choice over.
So, as a Conscious Creator, you must be mindful of how to spend that money that resonates with your target energy.
For example, when you assign value with money to joy, you're saying, "I want joy in my life. I value joy so much in my life that I will pay for it." And the universe does its part. It responds with, "yes."
That is your power. Your power is in your choices. You have a choice about how you use that power, but keep in mind that you will create more in your world of whatever energy you spend it on.
Take an audit of your expenses. Make sure that what you are spending your money resonates with what you want to create. You've got to make sure that it's aligned and that you are purchasing stuff you really, really value energetically, not just physically.
Take some time to consider how you could indeed be making misaligned choices with your money without realising it.
Money resonates with Power and Responsibility before you spend it. When you spend it, you realign it. Because ultimately, the universe doesn't compartmentalise. It's all energy.
So give money some love, gratitude and freedom. Show it you're grateful, joyful and free, in full power and responsibility.
Love, love, love,

Karen Baines
Karen Baines is a Conscious Wealth Creation Mentor and loves to work with passionate, ambitious entrepreneurs by showing them how to master their own creational process, particularly around their business and finances.
I’ve been learning and teaching the language of money for some years now, having previously run my own successful bookkeeping business. Running quietly parallel to this was a life-long interest in personal development. A whole new level of money wisdom was introduced to me when I discovered Universal Law and energy, soon after that the defining moment when these two worlds suddenly collided. Previously, I had been attempting to compartmentalise them, the irony being that I now teach how you simply cannot compartmentalise energy.
A vital component of running a business is your finances – your income - money. Understanding your own alignment and the energetics of money gives you a priceless opportunity to unlock and reach that illusive next income level, as in a nutshell, Money is just a very happy by-product of Alignment, and the best definition of Alignment is YOU Do YOU!