2 minute read

1. In Focus: Managing COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 coronavirus disease outbreak and World Health Organization’s (WHO) declaration of a pandemic in March 2020 was undeniably the most significant challenge for our country and the entire world during 2020 due to the unprecedented health risk and trailing economic impact.

Preventive Measures



We utilized various communication means to inform our workforce, which included:

• The Weekly Coronavirus Update regarding the current governmental and corporate measures, which was communicated to all employees • Daily update from the Operations Center regarding temperature measurements conducted throughout the day • Instruction emails on how to handle potential cases with symptoms • Daily briefing of workforce regarding the pandemic spread in our country, recent governmental and corporate measures to contain the pandemic.

Health and Hygiene

Having our workforce’s health and hygiene as our main concern, we: • Conducted task supervision to make sure work can be done safely while keeping physical distance • Adopt a strict policy of keeping distances between active workforce in our facilities and simultaneously limited the number of underground workforce • Unscheduled medical infrastructure inspections and disinfections in our construction sites • Established a dedicated crisis management team and specific action plan for suspicious cases at our facilities • Developed an isolation plan in case of COVID-19 symptoms in employees or contractor employees/suppliers • Trained medical personnel to respond to suspicious cases • Performed specialized diagnostic test in cases of COVID-19 symptoms.

Suppliers and Contractor Employees

Measures related to suppliers and contractor employees included:

• Prohibited entrance of partners/suppliers who travelled to or from foreign countries • Prohibited suppliers to hire new employees from foreign countries.

Right from the onset of COVID-19 pandemic crisis, we implemented a wide range of measures to protect our employees, their families and local communities, which included both preventive and protective measures.

Protective Measures

Remote work

In order to reduce physical work, we:

• Increased work-from-home for employees who were considered to be at higher risk of being infected • Suspended physical internal and external meetings or trainings, which were organized remotely through video conferencing tools • Implemented gradually remote work for employees in our offices • Removed vulnerable employee groups from physical work.


Measures related to workers’ hygiene included: • Performed regular temperature and oxygen checks on employees and contractor employees before arrival to work or use company-provided transportation • Distributed protection masks and hand antiseptics to all workplaces at all construction sites • Imposed use of protection mask and gloves on transportation vehicle drivers entering our facilities • Performed disinfections and continuous temperature and oxygen measurements in mine workforce • Conducted molecular detection tests on all our employees and contractor employees according to our pandemic action plan • Hired additional security personnel in Olympias mine gate, in order to: - Conduct workforce temperature measurements - Record private vehicles of workforce who do not use corporate buses for commuting to work - Maintain safety distances between workforce.

Travel and Commuting

Measures related to travel and commuting included:

• Prohibited abroad journeys and visits to and from our facilities • Restricted workforce transportation via corporate buses • Provided fuel allowance for private vehicle transportation.