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News - Special Events

NEWS | Special Events



Beginning October 2018 and lasting through the end of 2019, the year of German-American Friendship will take place across the U.S. The campaign will feature over 1,000 events to convey a multifaceted image of Germany in the U.S. and to strengthen German-American ties.

“Wunderbar together” is the motto of the Year of German-American Friendship which is organized by the German Federal Foreign Office, the Goethe-Institut and the Federation of German Industries (BDI). Numerous events and projects in the fields of economics, politics, education, culture and science will be held all across the country. The initiative aims to raise people’s awareness about the importance of the continued transatlantic friendship between the U.S. and Germany.

Especially in the face of the current politically charged time, marked by isolationism and protectionism and growing nationalism on both sides of the Atlantic,

it is necessary to highlight the strong ties. “We can feel that the U.S. and Europe are drifting apart. The nearly complete overlap of our values and interest that defined the transatlantic relationship for more than two generations is waning,” announces the organizer of the Year of German-American Friendship. Therefore, it is high time to reassess the partnership, not to leave it behind, but to renew and preserve it.

By organizing diverse events the campaign intends to focus together on transatlantic issues and to provide opportunities for people to experience how close Germany and America actually still are.

“We want to have new conversations with Americans about the nature of our relations, and what we could make of them” explain the event organizers on their website. Furthermore, their ambition is not only to reach people in big cities as New York, Washington or Los Angeles, but also those in other parts of the country, where the coasts are far away and Europe is even further. In conclusion the event organizer adds: “If we can achieve this, then we will, indeed, be wunderbar together.”


Von Oktober 2018 bis Ende 2019 findet in den USA das Deutschlandjahr statt. Mit über 1.000 Veranstaltungen soll es den Amerikanern ein facettenreiches Bild der Bundesrepublik zeigen und die deutsch-amerikanische Freundschaft stärken.

„Wunderbar together“ – das ist das Motto des Deutschlandjahres in den USA, das das Auswärtige Amt, das Goethe-Institut und der Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) gemeinsam organisieren. Quer durch die Vereinigten Staaten finden Projekte und Events aus den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Politik, Bildung, Kultur und Wissenschaft statt. Das Ziel: Die seit Jahrzehnten bestehende transatlantische Freundschaft wieder stärker ins Bewusstsein der Menschen zu rufen.

In der heutigen, politisch aufgeladenen Zeit, in der die amerikanische Politik von Isolationismus und Protektionismus geprägt ist und der Nationalismus auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks an Aufwind gewinnt, erscheint das nötiger denn je. „Wir spüren, dass die USA und Europa auseinanderdriften. Eine fast vollständige Überschneidung von Werten und Interessen, wie sie das

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NEWS | Special Events

transatlantische Verhältnis zwei Generationen lang geprägt hat, nimmt ab“, konstatieren die Veranstalter des Deutschlandjahres auf ihrer Webseite. Deshalb sei es höchste Zeit, die transatlantische Partnerschaft neu zu vermessen – nicht um sie hinter sich zu lassen, sondern um sie zu erneuern und zu bewahren.

Erreichen wollen die Veranstalter dies mit vielfältigen Veranstaltungen, in denen gemeinsam ein Blick auf die transatlantische Beziehung geworfen und immer wieder die Möglichkeit geschaffen wird, hautnah zu erleben, wie nah sich Deutschland und Amerika noch immer in vielen Dingen sind.

„Wir wollen neu mit den Amerikanerinnen und Amerikanern ins Gespräch darüber kommen, was unsere Beziehungen ausmacht, und was wir daraus machen können“, erklären die Veranstalter auf ihrer Internetseite. Wichtig dabei sei, dass es nicht nur in den großen Städten wie New York, Washington oder Los Angeles Veranstaltungen gäbe, sondern insbesondere auch in den Teilen Amerikas, in denen die Küste fern und Europa noch viel weiter weg ist. „Wenn uns das gelänge“, so sagen die Veranstalter abschließend, „dann wäre das wirklich wunderbar together.“

Juliane Tranacher

The Challenges of Climate Change in Germany and the United States: A Roundtable and Networking Reception

-- Public Welcome --

►Thursday, February 21, 2019, 7:00pm–9:00pm | Bruce & Robbi Toll Library at University of Miami Newman Alumni Center: 6200 San Amaro Dr., Coral Gables, FL 33146

This event discuss the challenges posed by climate change to the United States (South Florida in particular) and Germany. Organized by professors from the University of Miami and Florida International University, this series of 5 roundtable discussions will focus on German and American themes in the 20th Century. FIU will publish roundtable talks recorded on their website at → http://europe.fiu.edu.

Developing a Competitive Workforce for the Global Economy: Challenges for Germany and the United States: A Roundtable and Networking Reception

-- Public Welcome --

►Thursday, March 21, 2019, 7:00pm–9:00pm | Panther Suite at Florida International University Graham Center: 11200 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33199

This event discusses the common challenges Germany and the United States face in developing globally competitive workforces in the 21st Century. Organized by professors from the University of Miami and Florida International University, this series of 5 round-table discussions will focus on German and American themes in the 20th Century. FIU will publish roundtable talks recorded on their website at → http://europe.fiu.edu.

Political Polarization and the Rise of Populism in Germany and the United States: A Roundtable and Networking Reception

-- Public Welcome --

►Thursday, April 11, 2019, 7:00pm–9:00pm | Bruce & Robbi Toll Library at University of Miami Newman Alumni Center: 6200 San Amaro Dr., Coral Gables, FL 33146

This event discusses rising political polarization and populism in the United States and Germany. The roundtable will be followed by a networking reception featuring German food and drinks, and include live music. Organized by professors from the University of Miami and Florida International University, this series of 5 roundtable discussions will focus on German and American themes in the 20th Century. FIU will publish roundtable talks recorded on their website at →http://europe.fiu.edu.

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