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Rising Tide Northern Rivers Gains Momentum with Film Nights and Action Initiatives

Key points

• Raine & Horne expands its presence in the NSW Northern Rivers region with the launch of Raine & Horne Ballina/Alstonville, led by experienced real estate agents Aiden Wilcox and Curtis Golding.

• The dynamic duo aims to change the landscape of real estate in the Northern Rivers, with Mr Wilcox focusing on real estate sales and Mr Golding overseeing the property management division.

• The co-principals were attracted to Raine & Horne because of its continuous improvement, industry-leading technology, and forwardthinking approach, particularly highlighting the recent rebranding efforts that refect a clean and modern look for the Australasian super brand.

Ballina, NSW, (2 May 2024) Super brand Raine & Horne is excited to announce it is boosting its well-entrenched network in the NSW Northern Rivers region with the launch of an offce in Ballina led by experienced real estate specialists and long-time real estate competitors Aiden Wilcox and Curtis


Raine & Horne Ballina/Alstonville is extending its services to Alstonville and other surrounding areas, with Mr Wilcox spearheading real estate sales and Mr Curtis overseeing the property management division.

“Curtis and I have known each other for a fair while. We’ve worked for competing agencies in the area and were getting tired of the old-school approach to real estate,” Mr Wilcox said. The duo are born and bred in the Ballina region, while Mr Curtis’s family has a long history in the local real estate market.

Mr Wilcox continued, “Our long-term goals were to open an agency individually, but we were fairly like-minded in our approach and wanted to create something, and then Raine & Horne Growth Manager Steve Worrad came along.”

The decision to partner with Raine & Horne was motivated by their positive experience with Mr Worrad, who had been instrumental in helping them fnd the perfect offce location, along with Raine & Horne’s commitment to continuous improvement. During their short interactions with Raine & Horne, the duo has been impressed that the super brand has continued to tweak its industry-leading technology, such as the AI-driven, social media marketing platform Amplify.

“Steve has been working with us for a while now to get us on board, and over that time, we’ve seen changes to Amplify that show that Raine & Horne never sits still. It felt like it was meant to be,” added Mr Golding, who has worked in the local real estate market since leaving school in 2008.

“We appreciate Raine & Horne’s forwardthinking approach with products such as Amplify and the frst-to-market online listing tool, DigiKitPlus— both are user-friendly, professional, and always up-to-date.

“The brand adopts current trends, setting them apart from many agencies in the Ballina and Alstonville area, which may not have refreshed their templates and tools in recent years. In today’s dynamic environment, staying three steps ahead is crucial; otherwise, you risk falling behind swiftly.”

Smooth onboarding and prime location

The onboarding process with Raine & Horne has been smooth and impressive, according to Mr Wilcox. “From what they’ve shown us so far, it’s a cut above some of the other systems and processes we’ve used in the past,” he notes.

Mr Golding added, “Every time we pick up the phone and have a question, they’ve been good at getting responses to us quickly. Quite frankly, I can’t fault them in the onboarding process so far.”

The new offce, located at 178 River Street in Ballina, is strategically positioned on one of the best street corners in the area, offering excellent visibility and exposure. Mr Wilcox explained “Steve found the location, and because the commercial leasing market in Ballina is exceptionally tight, we decided to buy an established business, and start the ft-out.

“Buying out a business to access the property represents a signifcant additional startup cost. However, there hasn’t been a suitable shop available for lease for three to fve years, and we were determined to secure a prime location. We also feel it demonstrates the hard yards we’re prepared to take to be successful.”

The co-principals express their excitement about the clean and forward-thinking branding of Raine & Horne. “It’s a massive step in the right direction. It’s clean, consistent, and resonates with the 21st century,” says Mr Golding.

Robust local demand from out of area buyers drive median prices

According to Mr Wilcox, the local market is robust and poised for growth, underpinning its standing as one of the fastest-growing markets in Australia.

“Despite a slight price correction, good turnover prevails. Median house prices in Ballina and Alstonville hover around a million dollars and $850,000-$1,000,000, respectively,” he said.

The demand is fuelled by local buyers, responding to a scarcity of supply, escalating land and building prices, and post-food recovery.

“External interest persists, with buyers from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and the Gold Coast attracted by the region’s charm and lifestyle,” Mr Golding added.

“Currently, a 70-30 split between local and out-of-area buyers prevails, a shift from the trend we saw during COVID-19.”

The offcial offce launch event in May 2024 will celebrate the agency’s commitment to providing excellent service and embracing the next wave of real estate.

“We have a team of approximately eleven individuals who have joined us. They all share a like-minded approach and a genuine eagerness to achieve immediate success,” said Mr Golding.

“Their mindset is aligned with our contemporary values— striving for excellence. They seek a brand that is modern, consistent, and in tune with the demands of the 21st century – and that is Raine & Horne.”