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SafeWork NSW Announces $1.2 Million Fine for Orica After Cobalt Dust Exposure

SafeWork NSW has today confrmed that Orica Australia Pty Ltd has been fned $1.2 million by the District Court of NSW following a signifcant breach of workplace safety laws. The penalty comes after the company admitted to exposing two of its workers to hazardous cobalt dust over several years, leading to serious health consequences including occupational asthma.

The prosecution, led by SafeWork NSW, stemmed from incidents occurring between 2014 and 2019 at Orica’s Kooragang site. Orica pleaded guilty to a Category 1 offence under section 19 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011—the highest level of offence under NSW law, indicating reckless conduct concerning risk of death, serious injury, or illness.

At the centre of this case was the exposure to cobalt dust, a known respiratory sensitizing agent that can cause severe occupational illnesses. This exposure occurred in the Cobalt Catalyst Manufacturing Shed at Orica’s Kooragang Island facility, where the affected workers were employed. The court noted that the dust was visibly produced during various manufacturing stages, posing consistent health risks.

Cobalt dust can lead to severe respiratory issues, including asthma, lung fbrosis, and damage, with potential for other critical effects such as cardiac issues and liver and kidney congestion.

The court highlighted that Orica’s efforts to mitigate these risks were substantially insuffcient and poorly executed.

Trent Curtin, Head of SafeWork NSW, commented on the court’s decision: “The court confrmed that the risk of exposure was inevitable, and Orica’s attempts to safeguard against this were grossly inadequate. This prosecution should serve as a resolute message to all industries: SafeWork NSW will not hesitate to enforce the full strength of the law to protect workers’ safety.”

For further details on health monitoring protocols related to cobalt dust, please refer to the SafeWork Australia guidance:

Samantha’s Book