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Are you Rock Steady For Life?

“Understanding how your body and mind currently function is a powerful way to becoming rock steady. It helps us make small specific changes which can have a large impact on our confidence to move, and quality of life”, explained Julia, an Occupational Therapist for 30 years.

Tips for improving rock steadiness include;

• doing challenging balance activity for 2 hours/ week e.g regular specific home exercises, attending exercise class, cognitive- motor training, dancing, Tai Chi

• having protein with every meal (unless advised not to by a Dr), to help maintain or improve muscle strength

• concentrating when you walk as if it is the most important thing you are doing

• aiming for good brain health (cognition) by; reducing alcohol intake, being physically active, interacting with others, challenging your brain often with something new, eating healthy, and participating in cognitive-motor training (e.g the Smartstep)

• wearing single-lens glasses instead of multi-focal glasses when out walking

• getting assessed and finding out your unique strengths and areas requiring attention

Julia has worked in physical health, mental health and health promotion roles. She developed an interest in falls prevention in the 1990’s after working with research leader, Professor Stephen Lord, Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA). Julia has ongoing contact with NeuRA, the developers of the StandingTall balance app and the Smartstep cognitivemotor training tool, both for fall prevention and improving balance. NeuRA has shown the Smartstep can reduce falls by up to 26% and improve both physical and cognitive factors.

Julia now works in private practice in Alstonville and Ballina. She offers assessment and intervention for balance, healthy ageing and falls prevention including enjoyable Smartstep cognitivemotor sessions. She is presenting at the Perth 2024 OTX (Occupational Therapy conference) on falls prevention and cognitive - motor training.

For enquiries or bookings contact Julia on 5663 2616