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Most people own a pair of trainers, so lace up and get going. Sometimes it’s tough to get started, so check out page 66 to complete your first 5k in five easy steps.

We all know that most students don’t have loads of spare cash, but that shouldn’t be a barrier to getting fit. Save your money for other stuff and work out for free (or practically nothing) instead. Here’s how…


Instead of getting the bus or asking for a lift, walk everywhere. Walking up to 10,000 steps a day can burn about 500 calories, and you’ll even save money on bus passes or petrol costs. Go for gold by swapping the lift for the stairs.


Whether it’s to campus, work or just to get about, cycling is free, easy and a great workout. OK, so you do need a bike, and a helmet is good idea too, but sites such as Freecyle and Gumtree often have secondhand bikes for sale – or, if you’re really lucky, for free!


Skipping is a great cardio workout –you can burn up to a whopping 200 calories in just 15 minutes. The health benefits of skipping include improved heart and lung fitness, strengthened bones, plus improved balance and flexibility. Not bad for a simple rope.


When the kids have all gone home, the playground is a great place to do free circuit training and running. Use the monkey bars for pull-ups to boost your upper body strength over time.


Using your own body weight to train is the best way to improve your power-to-weight ratio. No equipment is necessary to perform sit-ups, press-ups or the plank, so you can exercise anywhere you like. For free.


There are loads of free fitness videos on YouTube –whether it’s yoga, pilates, strength training or bellydancing - there’s something for everyone. Even the British Army has an online fitness course, and if it’s good enough for them…


If you like netball, tennis, basketball, football or rounders, there are loads of public spaces and courts available to have a game, and most universities have a society you can join for every sport or activity you can think of – and if they don’t, set one up! Whether it’s rock climbing, dancing or Ultimate Frisbee, find out what’s available and get involved with things you fancy. Your fitness will improve, you’ll make new mates and it won’t cost an arm and a leg.