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June Cannascopes

GEMINI: Pancakes

Happy Birthday (x2), my Twins! The universe has seen all of your efforts. Even when others don’t see it, your good deeds will not go unrewarded. Those sacrifices and selfless acts are about to be paid off. Great things are coming if they haven’t already started.


VIRGO: EdiPure Dried Pineapples

How can we (re)introduce yourself to self care? By nature, you tend to make sure everything and everyone is straight, way before you realize that you need to do the same for yourself, too. Take a “Time Out” whether it’s for 10 mins or a few days.

CANCER: Mr. Clean

Letting go of things you’ve been struggling with for the longest is never easy. It takes courage to head in a different and unknown path, but walking away from something toxic will always lead you to better.

LEO: Flo Limone

When things seem out of control, it is time to let go and find inner peace. Some of those things can be coming from underlying issues from your past that linger deep within. Accountability is one thing, it is another to sit there and feel guilt over failing others’ expectations of you.

LIBRA: Fat Nelson

Whenever you feel lost or in a complicated situation, only deep within you shall you find what you need to make decision-making easier. Start trusting not just your instinct, but in yourself more.

SCORPIO: Nina Limone

No matter how tough it gets, nostalgic feelings may revisit you for enlightenment, rather than to hurt you. Make peace with all of your memories, whether good or bad.


There’s such a magnetic vibe that you possess that makes it easy to attract people who are in need of a lift. Even when it’s not reciprocal through others, be grateful all day, every day, and watch blessings pour on in.

PISCES: Kentucky Bluegrass

Your time is NOW! You’ve probably felt a positive shift recently. It’s the push you’ve been needing to make the moves you’ve mentally struggled with. Ride this positive wave gracefully, because you’re the one in charge this time.

CAPRICORN: Collins Ave

As much as you may take pride in being the one everyone depends on, it is just as great to have or find someone you can also unload a lot of the things you hold in on. Avoid your health being the one to remind you.

ARIES: Le Silver Royale

It is time for you to give yourself the same love and care you give to others. Reward yourself by acknowledging how far you’ve come.

AQUARIUS: Headspace

What has you feeling as if you don’t have a voice or a say so? It may feel like you can’t find a way, but there is always a resolution. How bad do you want it?


Be mindful of not getting caught up in a workaholic mind-frame. Don’t miss out on things that bring you joy with simplicity. Always stay in touch with what your soul wants.

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