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Solid start for the U13 A rugby team by

In the autumn term, the U13A rugby team took to the field against St George’s Weybridge and secured their much needed first win.

When the opening whistle blew, the ball was sent into the air and landed into Hampton hands. From there, the ball ebbed and flowed between the two teams until 10 minutes in, when the Hampton full-back Oliver Masuria-Hull sprinted down past the opposition winger and opened up the scoring for Hampton.

However, after Hampton scored, the match turned into a stalemate, and no one was able to cross the line. Hampton made gains from the constant running of the pack, and were able to regain many lost balls in the process, but a problem emerged.

Whenever Hampton kicked the ball out of their 22, it ended up in the hands of the St George’s full-back, who proceeded to run a hard line down

Jake O'Reilly

the middle of the Hampton defence. The tactic worked and St George’s equalised just before the referee blew the whistle for half time.

When the sides returned for the second half, Hampton had to adapt their tactics. They began sending their forwards down the sides, catching the St George’s centres and wingers off guard. However, both teams fumbled and dropped the ball. Hampton were able to capitalise on this, and scored two tries off free kicks by the fly-half and scrum-half, respectively. But, in the dying embers of the match, the St George’s fly-half scored and gave his team hope going into the final play.

This gave Weybridge one final burst of energy as they ran down the pitch, but it was not enough to get past the Hampton full-back, who took the attack down and gave the Hampton U13A team their first win of the season.