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Redevelopment Plan Redevelopment Plan

The Bend in the Bow Redevelopment Plan integrates various existing parcels into one cohesive and well-functioning landscape unit that conveys the project’s vision of parks that tell stories through nature, culture, and education


Inglewood Bird Sanctuary (p. 35)

Pearce Estate Park (p. 32) The Corridor (p. 33)

Inglewood Wildlands (p. 34)


The plan incorporates habitat enhancements, references to the site’s rich cultural history, and recommendations for delivering public education, use, and enjoyment through multiple channels. Final design of the features, programs, and landscape at Bend in the Bow will be developed as part of Detail Design, which will be implemented in phases. The following pages summarize the primary stories, concepts, and enhancements proposed for each of the four areas, denoting which include art opportunities (described in detail later in this document). Expanded descriptions of the Bend in the Bow design process and proposal are provided in the full RDP led by The City of Calgary Parks and O2 Planning + Design.