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From the Editor

September 2022, Issue 247 Published: September 1, 2022



Jun Woong-tae Photo courtesy of the Korea Modern Pentathlon Federation (대한근대5종연맹).


Publisher Dr. Shin Gyonggu Editor-in-Chief Dr. David E. Shaffer Managing Editor William Urbanski Chief Copy Editor Isaiah Winters Layout Editor Karina Prananto Photographer Kim Hillel Yunkyoung Online Editor Karina Prananto

The Gwangju News is the first English monthly magazine for the general public in Korea, first published in 2001. Each monthly issue covers local and regional issues, with a focus on the roles and activities of the international residents and local English-speaking communities.

Copyright ©2022 by the Gwangju International Center. All rights reserved. No part of this publication covered by this copyright may be reproduced in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise – without the written consent of the publisher.

The Gwangju News is published by the Gwangju International Center: Jungang-ro 196-beon-gil 5 (Geumnam-ro 3-ga), Dong-gu, Gwangju 61475, South Korea Tel: (+82)-62-226-2733~34 Fax: (+82)-62-226-2731 Website: www.gwangjunewsgic.com Email: gwangjunews@gic.or.kr gwangjunews gwangju_news Registration No. 광주광역시 라. 00145 (ISSN 2093-5315) Registration Date: February 22, 2010 Printed by Jieum 지음 (+82)-62-672-2566

For volunteering and article submission inquiries, please contact the editor at gwangjunews@gic.or.kr. The revolving door is currently opening on the month of September, allowing in a cooling breeze unfamiliar to the sultry summer. Heralding this cooling are the seasonal terms of White Dew (백로, Sept. 8) and the Onset of Autumn (추분, Sept. 23), and we must not forget the biggest autumnal holiday of all: Chuseok (추석, Sept. 9–12). Coordinating with these seasonal temps, the Gwangju News offers you a “cool” issue of information and enjoyment for the entire month.

When thinking of sports that Korea excels in, the pentathlon is not one of the first to come to mind – but that is about to change! In both the Olympics and world cup competitions, Korea has been amassing pentathlon medals, and leading in the medal count is super-athlete Jun Woong-tae from Gwangju City Hall. Read our cover-feature interview with gold medalist Jun.

As the temperature cools down, activities heat up. Coming soon to Gwangju is the annual World Human Rights Cities Forum at the Kimdaejung Conference Center. This year, the forum will be focusing on human rights in relation to the climate crisis. Read what one of the main speakers, Kim Gi-gon, has to say on this topic.

Our third feature is not so joyful. George Katsiaficas (who you may remember as a researcher on the 5.18 Gwangju Uprising) relates the life of his friend and activist, “Jimmy” Kyaw Min Yu, who was recently executed by the Myanmar military.

The Asia Content and Entertainment (ACE) Fair is opening this month, and the Chungjang World Festival of Memories is coming up this October. Find out how you can participate in the Back in the Day (When I Was Young) photo competition. Other important events in the festival include the first Buskers World Cup, the Food and Culture Showcase, and the Chungjang Parade. Read all about them all in the Community section.

Piqued by the upcoming World Festival of Memories, this editorin-chief reflects back on education in Korea when he first arrived on the peninsula half a century ago (see Language Teaching). Read about Numun-dong residents’ discontent with the slow but ongoing redevelopment project (see Lost in Gwangju). Traveling outside of Gwangju, you will be interested in Sacheon and the fabulous view from its coastal cable car (see Around Korea).

As usual, there is much, much more on offer within the pages of this month’s issue. At this juncture, the staff of the Gwangju News wishes you, your family, all of Gwangju, and all of Korea a very happy Chuseok holiday!

Remember to remain vigilant and stay Covid safe, and enjoy this month’s Gwangju News!

David E. Shaffer Editor-in-Chief Gwangju News