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Expat Living: Fun & Free – Creating Multilinguals at the GIC Korean–Chinese Language Exchange

Fun & Free: Creating Multilinguals at the GIC Korean–Chinese Language Exchange

By Chloe Chan


While learning a foreign language, what hinders us from proceeding to the next level seems to always be related to the loss of interest. As many bilinguals or multilinguals are able to attest, we all have experienced a period of time when we find it extremely difficult to stay committed to our language goals.

Unarguably, human beings get disinterested so easily that we so often find constant stimulation necessary in order to stay motivated. It sounds cliché to emphasize “fun is the key to effective learning,” but it is indeed very true. During my own research, I came to realize the significance of interactive pedagogy in one’s cognitive learning process. Instead of a traditional one-way cognitive teaching approach or a rigid school curriculum, the incorporation of creative, multicultural learning methods is often deemed to be rather effective in terms of knowledge acquisition.

The Gwangju International Center has resumed its Korean–Chinese language exchange program this year. Hosted by a Chinese student from Honam University, Nate Yuan, this year’s program has transformed into a fun language-learning experience designed to engage natives and non-natives to talk and learn languages in a stress-free manner. Various group games are set out as icebreakers to connect newcomers. Based on the theme of the day, participants are granted a chunk of time to interact with one another. The major features are highlighted below for those who are curious about the program.


The host divides the participants into two rows and faces them across from each other. A topic is given for them to initiate conversations regarding the theme.

▲ Pottery-making with members as part of the culture experience workshop.


Program Period: September 11 (Sat) – December 25 (Sat). Every two weeks. Time: 3:30 p.m., until December 25 (Sat) Host Email: nathaniel01822@gmail.com Location: Gwangju International Center, 1st floor Hall (Jungang-ro 196-beon-gil 5, Dong-gu, Gwangju)


As we know, language and culture are inextricably connected. It is nearly impossible to truly master a language without understanding its associated culture. By recognizing this, cultural experience workshops are also conducted by the host once in a while to foster cultural understanding. In such a creative language-learning setting, participants are given chances to socially connect and explore oriental cultural customs and arts.

“It is definitely the most genuine and wholehearted language exchange program you could ever wish to experience.”


For the purpose of serving the local community in Gwangju, this language exchange program, as a GIC Global Community Project, is entirely free of charge. The project embodies mutual, cross-cultural learning for the promotion of multiculturalism between diverse cultural groups. Therefore, except for the occasional gatherings and parties that might require small costs for extra food supplies, the organizer covers all the costs for printing materials, snacks, and venue use.

Even though the program plans are designed by a group of non-experts, it is definitely the most genuine and wholehearted language exchange program you could ever wish to experience. Anyone who is interested in the Chinese language (or even just Chinese culture itself) is welcome to stop by, grab a snack, and have an enjoyable learning experience in a relaxed environment.

The Author

Originally from Hong Kong, Chloe Chan has just completed her master’s degree in NGOs at Chonnam National University. She is currently serving several NGOs and MPOs as a full-time freelancer and volunteer. @hoi0305