13 minute read


North American Mammals Part 5: Marine Mammals

No review of the continent's mammals would be complete without taking a look at dolphins, whales, seals, manatees, and others that live along the coast. Truly phenomenal creatures, these mammals form a diverse group that inspire humans with their size, habits, and biologies. Join us for a look at these spectacular mammals! Instructor: Jeff Babson Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7034 3/20 M 10-12pm Classes: 1 Location LC-CTWD

North American Mammals Part 6: Bats

We conclude our survey of the mammals of North America by taking a look at bats. These creatures are the world's only mammal capable of flight. In this class, we explore the world of bats including echolocation, migration, breeding, diet, and conservation. Join us for a nocturnal exploration into the amazing world of bats. Instructor: Jeff Babson Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7035 3/27 M 10-12pm Classes: 1 Location LC-CTWD

Salamanders of North America

Arizona is home to a single species of salamander, which is a shame as salamanders are fantastic animals. North America is one of the world's diversity hotspots for these amphibians. This class is a journey around the continent looking at the diversity of our salamanders. Instructor: Jeff Babson Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7037 4/17 M 10-12pm Classes: 1 Location LC-CTWD

Special Interest

10 Minute Makeup for Women 45+

In this class you will create a 10 minute personalized makeup routine that will help you look your very best. You will assess your facial features and learn the 4 most important rese�rchproven steps you can incorporate into your makeup routine. Then you will learn the makeup techniques you can use to create your most beautiful look in the least amount of time. Material fee of $3 paid to the instructor, for a hand-out that will guide you through the entire process. Instructor: Elise Marquam Jahns Fee: Member $29/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7169 1/31 T 1-3pm 7170 2/28 T 1-3pm 7171 3/28 T 1-3pm 7172 4/18 T 1-3pm Classes: 1 Location MV-REC MV-REC MV-REC MV-REC

AngelSpeake® I

This workshop, based on the book 'AngelSpeake®' by Trudy Griswold and Barbara Mack, focuses on your relationship with your Angels and your spiritual path. Contact your Angels in writing and have fun doing it. Learn the Four Fundamentals for accessing Angelic help, the Seven Steps to talking with your Angels, and how they create miracles. There will be time for sharing any special Angelic encounters you may have had. Absolutely no writing experience is required to take this workshop! SUPPLIES: Please bring notebook or journal and pen. Instructor: Patricia Izzi Fee: Member $SO/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1 CR# Dates Day Time Location 7235 1/3 T 11:30-12:30pm EC-GAME 7236 2/9 Th 11:30-12:30pm EC-GAME 7237 3/3 F 11:30-12:30pm EC-GAME

AngelSpeake® II

Prerequisite: Must have previously attended AngelSpeake® I. For those who have learned how to do Angel Speake®, we will now learn how to refne our questions and better interpret the answers we receive. Please bring some of your most recent writings (if you are willing to share). SUPPLIES: Please bring a journal or paper and pen/pencil and your previous Angel Speake® writings. Instructor: Patricia Izzi, Certifed AngelSpeake® Fee: Member $45/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1 CR# Dates Day Time Location

7238 4/24 M 11:30-12:30pm EC-GAME

Anyone Can be a Healer

You will have an opportunity to experience the energy of Reiki, an ancient form of healing, and to explore the principles of Reiki. You will learn to use imagery and visualization, as well as, hands-on ways to tap into the energy all around us. Given the massive and long-term stress we have all experienced the last two years, Reiki can be a valuable gift for you and those you love. Instructor: Sheryl Fisher Fee: Member $40/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1 CR# Dates Day Time

6999 1/16 M 11-12:30pm

7000 3/13 M 11-12:30pm Location DH-RMA DH-RMA

Civil Discourse

This course involves discussion of current topics as they relate to past and present events. Prejudice, dogma and bigotry discouraged -informed civil discourse encouraged. Instructor: Paul McCreary Fee: Member $35/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 6733 2/7-21 T 10-12pm 6734 3/7-21 T 10-12pm Classes: 3 Location LC-IRWD LC-IRWD

Detailed Understanding of Metaphysics

Learn what Metaphysics is and explore its many topics. As a branch of philosophy, it studies the nature of reality and existence. The scientifc viewpoint deals with energy, frequency, and vibration. Quantum Physics has similar concepts to Metaphysics. Spiritual Metaphysics explores what is beyond the physical world. Metaphysical topics include energy, therapy, consciousness, mind-body techniques, sacred geometry, karma, meditation, chakras, ascension, the afterlife, spirit guides, etc. This is a two-part class. Instructor: Debra Peterson, MS, Metaphysical Teacher Fee: Member $39/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2 CR# Dates Day Time Location

7173 1/20-27 F 10-11:30am LC-ACAC

Drab to Glam: Makeup Tips & Techniques

Have you ever wondered, "how did that happen overnight?" Would you like to look like the very best version of yourself and feel more confdent? Makeup routines we used in our 20s and 30s don't work for us anymore, but what does? This class will offer demonstrations of makeup techniques for women 45+ and answer your questions. You will leave knowing the techniques and types of products that will help you look your very best, and you'll receive a comprehensive hand-out. Material fee of $2 paid to instructor. Instructor: Elise Marquam Jahns Fee: Member $29/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1 CR# Dates Day Time

7165 1/24 7166 2/21 7167 3/21 7168 4/4 T 1-3pm T 1-3pm T 1-3pm T 1-3pm Location


Edward Curtis North American Indian

This class will explore the extraordinary life and work of Edward S. Curtis, chronicler and photographer of the North American Indian. Class will consist of discussion, videos, photographs and exploration of the many tribes Curtis brought to life. Instructor: Paul McCreary Fee: Member $30/Non-member +$10 Classes: 2 CR# Dates Day Time

6686 3/23-30 Th 4-6pm 6730 3/1-8 W 10-12pm Location LCACAC LC-ACAC

Electric Vehicles - All You Need to Know

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are coming. There's a lot of curiosity and misinformation out there in regard to this disruptive change in how we transport ourselves. This course will explain where such vehicles came from, what you ought to know, and what are their positive and negative attributes. The course material supplied will be the lecturer's book; Electric Vehicles What About Them?!? At the end of the course, all students will get a chance to go for a ride in an EV! Material fee of $5 paid to instructor. Instructor: Richard Rosenthal Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1 CR# Dates Day Time Location 7529 2/27 M 10:30-11:30am LC-ACAC 7530 3/20 M 10:30-11:30am LC-ACAC

Exploring Near Death Experiences

Through discussion and videos you will have an opportunity to learn about the variety of near-death experiences and the implications they may have for our own day-to-day lives. Instructor: Joseph Ambrosic Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7431 3/6-13 M 1-2:30pm Classes: 2 Location CR-

How To Achieve Better Sleep

Do you have trouble getting to sleep? Or staying asleep? Do you have restless nights or restless legs? Do you wake up and cannot get back to sleep? Millions of Americans are suffering with you. But, there is hope! As a previous 'lack of sleep' sufferer I have learned dozens of ways to tame the 'restless tiger'. SUPPLIES: Bring a notebook, an open mind and the willingness to try something you don't need a prescription for. Instructor: Patricia Izzi Fee: Member $60/Non-member +$10 Classes: 4 CR# Dates Day Time Location 7240 2/6-27 M 11:30-12:30pm EC-GAME

Lightworkers, Indigos, Child NDEs

Various types of higher consciousness beings exist in times of spiritual awakening. Some of these are called Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children. Other enlightened beings are Lightworkers and Starseeds. Learn about the phenomena of children having near death experiences and how that relates to the belief in reincarnation. Learn about the 3 waves of volunteers and the new earth. Understand how these concepts are related and weave together. Instructor: Debra Peterson, MS, Metaphysical Teacher Fee: Member $22/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1 CR# Dates Day Time Location 7179 2/24 F 10-11:30am LC-ACAC 7180 3/3 F 10-11:30am LC-ACAC

Makeup Secrets for Beautiful Eyes

In addition to being the windows to our soul, our eyes are often one of the first places to reveal the wear and tear of years. In this class specifically for women 45+, you will learn how to make your eyes look more lifted, bigger and brighter so you can feel more confdent and beautifu I. Fortunately, with the right types of products and makeup techniques, your eyes can once again become your best feature. Material fee of $2 paid to instructor. Instructor: Elise Marquam Jahns Fee: Member $29/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7161 1/17 T 1-3pm 7162 2/7 T 1-3pm 7163 3/14 T 1-3pm 7164 4/11 T 1-3pm Classes: 1 Location MV-REC MV-REC MV-REC MV-REC

Movies Worth Discussing

Participants will select and watch a flm which is streamed on either Netflix or Prime Video at their home and then discuss it is class. Class members will nominate and then vote to select the flms to be viewed at the first class session. So come to the frst class with a flm to nominate! Instructor: John Rusch Fee: Member $25/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7200 1/2-2/6 M 2-3pm 7201 2/13-3/20 M 2-3pm Classes: 6 Location LC-IRWD LC-IRWD

Music Matters

This class will review the social issues reflected by music of the decades. Course participants will be exposed to a variety of musical sources including; live music, recorded music, and videos. Each week we will focus on an important current social issue. Music is a great communication tool and we will examine its effect on societal groups. There will regularly be opportunities during the sessions for group reflection, as well as individual creative expression. Instructor: Richard Leighton Fee: Member $60/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7157 1/10-2/7 T 10-11:30am Classes: 5 Location DH-RMA

Mystic Poetry of Rumi, Hafz, & Darshan

We'll begin with a discussion of what mysticism is. Then we'll discuss why these poets have been so popular through the ages and into modern time. We'll talk about special symbolism used by these poets and examine some of their poems. Instructor: Joseph Ambrosic Fee: Member $10/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7430 1/23 M 1-2:30pm Classes: 1 Location CH-MSQT

Reincarnation and the Near-Death Experience

Reincarnation, and a near-death experience are difficult subjects to discuss and objectively evaluate. This class will examine these complex and controversial matters from the perspective of research done by medical professionals. This is not a New-Age view of such matters, but an honest evaluation of these phenomena. This research has been documented and studied by physicians knowledgeable in this feld, examining cases from around the world. Material fee of $5 paid to instructor for the handout book Reincarnation and the Near-Death Experience: A Secular View. Instructor: Richard Rosenthal Fee: Member $20/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7202 2/20 M 1-2pm Classes: 1 Location LC-CTWD

Secrets of Happiness

Our patterns of thought play a powerful role in our enjoying the life we have. In this series, we have fun exploring why we react the way we do. Through discussion and media clips you will leave with a much better opportunity to choose the thought patterns enabling you to live more joyfully and stress free. Instructor: Joseph Ambrosic Fee: Member $40/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7429 2/6-27 M 1-2:30pm Classes: 4 Location EC-LNGE

Secrets of the Yellow Brick Road -The Spirituality of OZ

This most popular of all flms contains messages most of us overlook. We'll explore the making of the movie along with a deeper understanding of the background of author Frank Baum and how his ideas were translated into flm. Instructor: Joseph Ambrosic Fee: Member $10/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7432 3/20 M 1-2:30pm Classes: 1 Location CR-AMADO

Shungite Magic

Shungite is an amazing stone that is found in only one place in the world, northwestern Russia near the town of Shunga. Shungite has some unique energies that make it especially helpful in today's technological and stressful world. You will have an opportunity to experience the special vibrations of this wonderful stone. Material fee of $35 paid to instructor. Instructor: Sheryl Fisher Fee: Member $40/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7003 2/21 T 11-12:30pm 7004 4/11 T 11-12:30pm Classes: 1 Location DH-RMA DH-RMA

The American Folk Music Revival

In the 1950's a new musical genre came to dominate the American pop music scene. This class will explore the rise of this "folk music revival". Its roots, characteristics, and impact on American music of the succeeding decades. We'll listen to recordings by Peter, Paul and Mary, Joan Baez, the Almanac Singers, the Weavers, Burl Ives, Pete Seeger, Paul Robeson, Harry Belafonte, Bob Dylan, Judy Collins, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, the Limeliters, and many more. Instructor: Norm Cohen Fee: Member $30/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7129 2/14-3/7 T 10:30-12pm Classes: 4 Location EC-AUD

The Prophets of the Old Testament

Who were the prophets of the Old Testament? What did it mean to be a prophet then? Were any of them women? What were their functions? Their audience? Where and when did they live? In this class we'll explore the lives, careers, and writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Deborah, Jonah, Daniel, Amos, and others. We'll review their roles in Israelite society and their impacts on later generations, including the authors of the New Testament. Instructor: Norm Cohen Fee: Member $30/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7128 1/17-2/7 T 10:30-12pm Classes: 4 Location EC-AUD

Understanding the Afterlife and NDEs

Learn what happens when the soul leaves the body and transitions to the afterlife. Will our pets be there? Learn what science says about the transition process. Hear near-death experience testimonials about the spirit realm. Spiritual regression case studies provide valuable answers about the afterlife, which helps alleviate fear of the transition process. With a new understanding of the afterlife, we realize there is life-after-life. Instructor: Debra Peterson, MS, Metaphysical Teacher Fee: Member $22/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1 CR# Dates 7175 3/8 Day Time Location W 11:45-1:15pm LC-JNPR

Unlocking the Energy of Stones

All stones have a natural energy which stems from their mineralogical makeup. They each have a unique matrix vibration. You will have an opportunity to experience some of the variations in how different stones feel and you can learn how that may be helpful in your life. You will each receive a small bag of varied stones and written handouts for reference. Material fee of $10 paid to instructor. Instructor: Sheryl Fisher Fee: Member $40/Non-member +$10 CR# Dates Day Time 7001 1/24 T 1-2:30pm 7002 3/21 T 1-2:30pm Classes: 1 Location DH-RMA DH-RMA

Using Sacred Geometry in Your Life

The ancient science of Sacred Geometry uses geometric shapes to produce a benefcial energy field. It is the blueprint of all creation; appearing in nature, the universe, and your physical form. It is based upon mathematical patterns and natural principles. Sacred geometry is used in pyramids, mandalas, energy grids, medicine wheels, labyrinths, etc. Learn benefcial ways to use sacred geometry to enhance your well-being and expand consciousness in your life. Instructor: Debra Peterson, MS, Metaphysical Teacher Fee: Member $22/Non-member +$10 Classes: 1 CR# Dates Day Time Location 7177 3/22 W 11:30-1pm LC-ACAC