3 minute read


Mary Immaculate Parish Community

Shout out to the Mary Immaculate Parish Community in East Bethany for the delicious chicken BBQ Sunday, 5/21. The service from volunteers there is always so welcoming. It is great to see a supportive community come together. Thank you!

It’s the little things that brighten my day I love when I see people hold a door open for a stranger, pick up something a passerby dropped, or simply smile at each other. This life is hard enough without people ignoring each other and living in their own little worlds. I love seeing humanity shining on each other.

Thanks to the Avon Garden Club

Every year the members of this club do an amazing job planning, planting and weeding the gardens in and around our downtown and Circle Park. Much gratitude to those who give of their time and talents to make our town a more beautiful place.

Curbside Service Please…For All

I am a senior citizen with multiple health concerns and find it difficult to walk great distances. I rarely shop the big box stores because it is too difficult. I purchased a patio chair online with the option for curbside pick up. I checked in upon notification of readiness and was assigned a pick up slot. When I got to the store, the slot was not there and neither was a clerk. I do not text nor do I do apps so I was out of luck in getting help. I ended up having to walk into the store to get help which also was not available. PLEASE…could some consideration be given to us! Many of us still live in our homes and are consumers, but we choose not to text or to have smart phones. Yet we need help in accessing purchases. I told the kind clerk who did finally help me to pass on this message. Will it make a difference? I hope so but doubt it. - A senior who was quite frustrated!

Walking in the Woods

From one dog walker to another… I bet you love taking your dog for walks on trails around town as much as I do. Have you noticed all the lovely trillium, trout lilies, and may apple popping up this spring? Have you also noticed the brightly colored bags of dog poop dropped along our trails? Did you leave one, thinking you’d grab it on your way back? I hope you remember to do that, but even so, I’d rather not see it on my walk in the woods. Please carry it with you. I do and it’s no big deal. Thanks and see you on the trail!

Wasted Water

Our water supply is being threatened, especially in the west. Recently traveling and going through airport security, as usual, I had a half used bottle of water and had to discard it in order to pass through security. What a waste. There must be some way to reclaim this precious resource and not just at airports.



* Use a mesh bag to hold owers in place in a vase. Just roll or wad it up and put it down in the bottom of the vase. When you are done with the owers, you can use a stick to swish the bag around and loosen any gunk inside the vase when cleaning. Launder the mesh or just toss.

* “To make a waterproof mattress protector in a pinch, slit a large garbage bag down the side and bottom, lay it at over the mattress and cover with a beach towel. en put the sheet over that. e garbage bag protects the mattress; the towel makes it comfortable. “ -- U.D. in Tennessee

* “Keep extra liner bags in the bottom of the garbage can. ey are handy, so you will be more likely to reline the can as soon as you take the garbage out.” -- K.P. in Massachusetts

* Keep a box of baking soda in the fridge. When it’s time to replace it, dump it down the drain and follow with a small bottle of vinegar and a hot water ush. Keep your kitchen smelling nice and use less chemicals to do it.

* “Here’s a fun invitation to make and receive: Blow up a balloon and pinch (don’t tie). Write the details of the party on the balloon in permanent marker. Let it dry fully before you de ate it. en send it!” -- R.A. in Washington