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Meet the Contributors

• • • meet our contributors

Christian Osbourne


Christian Osbourne is a wife, mother, junior communications major, and freelance journalist. She’s collaborated and written for Augusta University's Phoenix magazine, and Augusta University’s Bell Ringer newspaper. Her recent accomplishments include being a successful mommy/lifestyle blogger, being published in the Outdoor Retail magazine, and being published in the Peer Review Journal. Osbourne prides herself on being able to do basically anything a writer can do, but while holding a baby. She identifies as a logophile.

Lauren Stacy

Lauren Stacy is a senior Criminal Justice major with a minor in sociology. She is interested in dealing with social justice and reform given how many classes she has taken dealing with the criminal justice system. She is very passionate about women’s rights and hopes to one day be able to volunteer at a women’s shelter. In her free time she enjoys baking, watching crime documentaries/shows, and spending time with friend and dogs.

Marybeth Bass

Marybeth is a STEM student, night owl/early bird hybrid and likes coffee a little bit too much.

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