2 minute read



We are all artists

The importance of sketches

Generating the idea



Phases of the creative process

The importance of imagination

Producing the work of art

Materials and supports

Types of techniques

Beyond the object

Symbolism and visual metaphors

Conceptual art

Digital art

Ebru technique Painting technique that consists of transferring oil paint, which floats on the surface of water, onto paper leaving a marbling effect on the sheet. This technique is native to Turkey. In the Turkish language ebru means ‘cloud’.

Entropy Measure or degree of disorder of a system.

Latex A watery white substance that some plants, such as the rubber tree, expel through the bark.

Oil painting Painting technique that consists of mixing the pigments with an oil-based binder, usually of vegetable origin.

Pareidolia Perceptual error that occurs when a vague and random stimulus is mistakenly perceived as a

Action art recognisable shape. For example, seeing faces or objects where there are none.


Performance A work of art or artistic exhibition in which elements from different fields are combined, such as music, dance, theatre and the plastic arts.

Polystyrene Foamed plastic material.

Pop-up cards Cards that display three-dimensional or mobile shapes.

Sketch A simple drawing that serves as a draught for any work. It is the preliminary idea of a project.

Visual poetry Visual or pictorial interpretation of any narrative genre.

Understand And Apply

The part of myself that I portray

1 Reveal your identity through a self-portrait. Make a list of your personal data: your style, important objects in your personal life or objects that describe you, your physical and psychological features, your feelings, etc. Using the items from the list, think about what you would like to show about yourself. Take a close-up photo of yourself and work on the image.

Let’s reflect together

3 Answer the following questions. You can discuss them with your classmates. Then, evaluate your learning on a scale of 1 to 5.

a) Do I know the possibilities of expression that exist through visual language?

b) Am I able to express ideas using a graphic-plastic creation technique?

c) Do I see sketches as a trigger for the creative process?

d) Have I understood how the creative process should be organised in phases in order to properly complete an artistic work?

e) Do I understand what a visual metaphor is?

f ) Am I able to create visual metaphors to express a personal idea or feeling?

g) Do I understand the difference between the representation and the interpretation of images?

h) Can I identify and name different drawing, painting and sculpture techniques?

i ) Can I use different graphic-plastic techniques when doing my creative work?

Create a piece of work using the ebru or marbling technique

2 Did you know that water can be the support of an artistic work? Thousands of years ago, the decorative technique ebru, also called marbling technique, emerged in Asia. This technique consists of painting on water, taking advantage of the difference in density between water and oil paints. Once the drawing is made on the water, it is transferred to a paper.

Find out about this technique. Create a small artistic piece of work using coloured nail polish.


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