1 minute read

tHe sEaSoNs In tHe nOrThErN hEmIsPhErE

Refresh What are the four seasons?


What causes the seasons?

The Earth’s position in relation to the Sun changes during the year. This is because the Earth rotates on a tilted axis. This means that the Sun’s rays reach the Northern Hemisphere at different angles, depending on the time of year.


This causes the seasons: a) When is the Earth closer to the Sun? In winter or summer? b) Why is the temperature different in summer and winter? Make a drawing to explain your answer.

• Summer (June 21st to September 23rd). Days are longer than nights. Temperatures are hot.

• Autumn (September 23rd to December 21st). Days and nights are the same length. Temperatures are mild.

• Winter (December 21st to March 20th). Nights are longer than days. Temperatures are cold.

• Spring (March 20th to June 21st). Days and nights are the same length. Temperatures are mild.

Answer the questions.