1 minute read


Was there a transition from nomadic to sedentary life? t HINK

1 Look, listen and read.

They grew cereal and vegetables crops and improved agriculture. They discovered seeds.

Livestock farming began with the domestication of animals by early humans.


Techniques and tools for hunting and fishing are improved.

The first ceramic utensils are used to transport, store and preserve food.

The first settlements are built near rivers or natural water sources.

Watch the ‘Nala in the Palaeolithic period’ at anayaeducacion.es and learn more about life in this period.

Clothes are made from skins or vegetable fibres such as hemp and esparto grass using looms.

2 constructions food discovery livestock

What were the main discoveries made during the Neolithic period? What were the consequences of them?

3 Read the text and complete using the following words.

The Neolithic period started with the development of ••• and agriculture thanks to the ••• of seeds.

Now it was not necessary to move from one place to another because humans produced their own •••

The first ••• and villages appeared.

4 In pairs, look at the picture on the previous page and ask and answer questions about what is happening.

What is he doing?

He is painting using his hands!

Your turn!

1 Neolithic people started growing cereals and vegetables. Did the discovery of agriculture make their diet richer and more varied? How did their lives change? Use the following diagram to compare and contrast the two periods.

The Palaeolithic period The Neolithic period

2 a) Do you regularly go for check-ups at a dental clinic? How often? b) Do you brush your teeth correctly?

Some historians agree that the introduction of cultivated products in the Neolithic period, especially cereals, led to the appearance of tooth decay.


Consumed refined starchy carbohydrates such as white sugar, soft drinks, pastries, sweets and candies contributes to tooth decay.