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Where do I start? Miss Carolina (Pickens 9) came to me by way of her amazing foster mom Donna in May. Donna had made some tremendous strides with our very shy and super skittish little girl. And man, has she come a long way since then as well. From doing everything she could do to avoid being integrated into our family to running with the whole pack like a boss. She plays, chases and antagonizes the other 2 pups Molly and Sawyer (Seva adoption in Oct 2018). She follows me around, up to and including my bathroom breaks. She insists on spooning with me at night and always muscles her way into the mix, at the displeasure of Sawyer who champions himself as my #1 snuggler (former, lol). She has kept her insatiable appetite and no longer seeks the refuge of her crate. She is still afraid of loud sudden noises and new people who visit, but then again that rattles most of us. She is the perfect blend of affection, independence, and perfection. She is the most beautiful girl in the world, and poses like a true super model when the camera is out. She is VERY outspoken, and will bark at anything only adding an extra layer to the already effective alarm system on the house. I couldn’t be any more excited and content with having her forever. Vet says she is healthy and seems to be well adjusted. From Izzy’s mom: SEVA GRREAT Turkey dog Izzy Lee celebrated her ninth birthday with a party hat and a pupcake, each of which lasted about 30 seconds. We don’t know her actual birthday, so we celebrate it on her adoption day. We are thankful every day that Izzy chose us to be her forever family three years ago, and grateful to all the wonderful volunteers, donors, and foster families who make these happy endings possible.


This beautiful girl is Coco Miller, and her sweet little sister is Caroline. Coco was adopted from SEVA GRREAT in January of this year, and she is doing wonderfully well. She originally was rescued from Turkey. She had some fears about storms, which she has worked to overcome, loves walks and loves kids!


Macon & Finley give Santa their wish list

Dawn Is Serbet Quinn’s most joyful time of day & she shows it.

Mae is her family’s favorite thing under the tree

Chance was adopted September 2020. He turned 4 in November. He is a good dog that makes us smile everyday –Donita Miles