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Local Artist

John McKinley

Hello! I’m a cartoonist and illustrator from Aptos specializing in fun and quirky characters. My work has appeared in many publications, including the picture book Monster Academy and the popular Ready, Freddy series from Scholastic Books. I started drawing at a very early age and always knew I wanted to be an artist. Drawing skills improve with practice, so I recommend kids keep a sketchbook handy. When you fill up one sketchbook , start a new one! You can really see improvement over time. I will be participating in the Santa Cruz Arts Council Open Studios Tour in October. I’ll be open the weekends of Oct. 8-9th and Oct.15-16th from 10am-5pm each day. Follow the bright green signs to studio #289. I’ll be showing some of my latest creations! Or visit me on the web at www.mckinleyink.com and Instagram @ johnmckinleyart.
