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Greene Gardens

Greene Gardens

By Cheryl Brendel, Coordinator, Greene County Master Gardeners


Starting Seeds for Your Garden

As spring approaches and we are overloaded with seed catalogues we begin to think about our gardens. What worked last year, what didn’t do well, did we plant too much? Should we try another type of tomato, pepper, lettuce etc.? A common gardening mistake is to start seed indoors too early.

By starting seeds indoors, you gain 4 to 6 weeks of planting time, compared to starting in the ground. If seeds are stared in the ground too early, they will rot in the cool damp garden. Read the back of your seed packet carefully to see when suggested indoor growing season starts. Keep a journal from year to year to remind yourself of what seeds you felt were successful in your garden.

Starting seeds indoors requires light once the seeds germinate. Without enough light, the seedlings will become weak and stringy and will not have a stronger stem, as they do with proper lighting. If you do not have natural light from a southern window, you will need supplemental lighting. Temperature also affects the number of seeds that germinate; generally 65 to 75 degrees F is best for germinating most plants.

In Pennsylvania, warm season crops such as eggplant, tomatoes, peppers and melons have a better chance to reach their prime harvest season if started indoors and transplanted outdoors after the last chance of frost, usually after Memorial Day when the garden soil is warmer. It gives the plants more time to develop.

You can purchase many of the items to start your seeds, but you don’t need to go out and spend a lot of money on peat pellets and special trays. One gardener once told me she bought cookies in plastic trays, enjoyed them, and then used the trays as terrariums to start seed. Other items you can use are empty plastic containers, such as yogurt or sour cream. Some gardeners make pots from newspaper, which can them be planted directly into the garden. Make sure to add drain holes in whatever you choose to use to avoid overwatering your seeds. Place something under these containers to prevent water damage underneath.

You’ve got your containers and seed, but what should you plant it in? The best start for seedlings is a fine, well-draining medium like seed starting mix. The soil from the garden may contain disease-causing organisms that can harm baby seedlings. It is will also be more compact, preventing good drainage.

After you decide on the container, fill it full with seed-starting mixture and sow the seed, according to the specified depth, and water the mix. If the mixture is dry, moisten it slightly before placing it in the container. If your home is dry, it may help to cover the containers with plastic wrap to keep the soil moist, as they are sensitive to drying out. Do not over water your seedlings; this may lead to damping off, a disease caused by fungus and deadly to seedlings. Another option is to use peat pellets or cubes. These are soaked until wet, then seeds are planted into the holes provided. When ready to go into the garden, the whole pellet or cube is planted without disturbing the roots.

When planting the seed, always refer to the instructions on the packet – it has the proper information to ensure the best planting. You will also need to harden off those plants you start indoors before putting them in the garden. To harden off your plants, gradually introduce them to the outdoors by placing them outside during a por- t i o n of the day, gradually increasing their time and exposure to cold.

If you are interested in gardening and volunteering in our community, the Penn State Extension in Waynesburg will offer Master Gardener Classes this fall. FMI, call 724- 627-3745.