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Holiday Ideas for Reaching Neighbors

‘Tis the Season for Neighboring; See Our Checklist of Ideas

Acts of neighborliness are often simple gestures that help us be a good neighbor, lift up others, or make our community a place we love. We invite you celebrate this special time of year with a gesture of neighboring friendship and support. This is a seasonal list of ideas that have been used by individuals in the #engagedneighbor network.  Set up an outdoor picture-taking event for kids.  Bring out a fire pit in your front yard to roast marshmallows or make s'mores.  Host neighbors for evening coffee and dessert.  Invite your neighbors over for a holiday open house or Christmas tea.  Mail or leave at the door a surprise affirmation note to neighbors.  Use the element of surprise with a gift or act of service that would bless your neighbors.  Make a double batch of the cookies you’re baking and bring some to a neighbor.  Know parents who could use a night out? Offer to babysit a neighbor’s child for free.  Deliver a homemade card to your neighbor, or leave it in their door.  Invite your neighbors to help the less fortunate by collecting food for a food pantry.  Help your neighbors hang their Christmas lights.  Go caroling and give out free homemade Christmas cookies to neighbors.  How about a hot cider and cookie night?  A Mexican tradition, tamale and hot chocolate night.  Put together a goodie-bag for the neighbors and go from house to house giving them out.  How about a neighborhood Christmas potluck for neighbors?  Start a toy drive in the neighborhood for less fortunate children.  Give mini Poinsettias with notes  Free gift-wrapping for the neighborhood w/coffee and cookies.  Distribute battery operated mini candles w/note.


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