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Six tips & tricks

From Our Winemaking Team To Ensure An Extraordinary Harvest


Tip 3: Be like a vine and be adaptable

Remember those grapes that we would have harvested in 3 days? Well, they are ready now.

Always have a plan A, B and C.

Tip 4: Be like a duck

Reminder, that Mother Nature is in our driver's seat, so if something is not working, let it go and move on to the next best thing.

Tip 5: Do not forget to have fun

Find the thing that sparks joy in your soul. Harvest time demands long hours and lots of focus.

Our winemaker Johann loves to get the team together for some much-needed fun, after a long day they enjoy a delicious lunch and they talk about what the day has demanded, and they simply enjoy getting to know each other.

Tip 6: Find time for family

Harvest time can almost consume all of your time, so when you find those unexpected time gaps when you are taking a break. Break away from the harvest mindset and spend it with your loved ones.

The tanks have been scrubbed clean, and the winery equipment has been thoroughly tested, as the South African cool climate winery prepares for the upcoming harvest season.

As the harvest season approaches, the winemaking team gears up for long hours and seven-day workweeks, all while working in sync with Mother Nature.

In the kitchen, cabinets are fully stocked with snacks and coffee, enough to feed a small army, and our eager interns learn from our experienced winemaker Johann Fourie. All systems are "go" for harvest.

Tip 1: Accept that Mother Nature is in control

In the world of wine, one can never control the weather and worrying about it will waste time and energy.

Tip 2: Communication is Key

To ensure that everyone in our team is on the right track, we call 5-min team stand up session, this sets the pace for the day and everyone in our teams understands their roles and responsibilities.

Overall if you follow these simple steps you will end up with a team who loves what they do and as they say, you will reap what you sow or in this instance harvest a delicious vintage.