2 minute read

Supporting the seniors More than a backpack

By Lauren Veitengruber



The community environment created at North is without a doubt what we will miss most when the dismissal bell rings on our final day of school. In this building, we are met by feelings of support, unity, dedication and excitement. North and the people within it have been our safety net since the first day of our freshman year.

In moments of uncertainty and fear, North’s mental health team has been readily available. As underclassmen, they supported us through times of quarantine restrictions and hybrid learning and taught us to observe the well being of those around us. During the aftermath of the Oxford shooting, there was a space available for students to collect their emotions. Later, when the MSU shooting impacted those even closer to us, the mental health team supported and comforted students and faculty. Following the December lockdown, they made sure that the student body knew safety was a priority.

We would like to thank North’s mental health team on the behalf of the senior class. The ARK staff, counseling staff and members of Peer 2 Peer have helped us to maintain our comfortability with ourselves and the world around us. In moments where our health and security needs have been overlooked, the mental health team has provided us with accessible resources to boost our well-being. Additionally, as we transition into the next phase of our lives, having trusted adults that we could lean on to aid with decision making regarding our future was immensely beneficial.

According to The Education Trust, one out of five students do not have access to a counselor. That is close to eight million students without a system that provides essential emotional and academic support. The mental health team, including counselors, at North emphasizes the dedication and compassion our school has for their students.

As we complete our final chapter at North, we know that we will always be able to call it home. The numerous individuals who have made our mental health, well-being, success and growth a priority have prepared us for everything and anything that we may encounter after graduation. North, we cannot thank you enough.

It was fall of 2011 when my family and I set out to search for a new backpack for my first grade school year at TJ Maxx. As I entered the back to school section, there it was, the perfect backpack. The brown straps complimented the blue and pink floral swirl pattern that took over the entire front. There were four zipper compartments that caught my eye, perfect to hold all my school supplies. Little did I know this same backpack would be on my back until senior year of high school.

Every year before the new school year started, my parents would ask me if I wanted to look at new backpacks or even try and persuade me to find a new backpack. Every year I would tell them how my backpack was still in good condition, and perfectly fine to use. I never understood why some of my classmates would come back after the summer with a new backpack each year. I always thought it was such a waste.

Once it was time for me to part ways with Ferry Elementary I changed out the folders and large pencil case full of Crayola markers and crayons for organized binders and mature mechanical pencils. After graduating eighth grade from Parcells, I ventured to North with my backpack less heavy, just holding my laptop.

Through all three buildings my backpack has held different items necessary for me at the time. It has served me for over a decade. Now that I am graduating and heading to college next year, I plan on bringing my backpack with me. It is only right to keep the tradition of using the same backpack for this next step in my life.