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“In my trade of work, it’s really not cost effective to [use sustainable methods and materials] and sometimes I lose money doing it,” Russell said. “[But] I try to reuse and recycle when I can.”


Filling our footprints

When it comes to living sustainably, Sweetwood and Wagner have one goal: to protect the environment. They strive to offer quality, zero-waste products to their customers, while encouraging the community to learn more about sustainable living.

“We are both very passionate about environmental conservation and reducing our carbon footprint,” Sweetwood and Wagner said. “We want to leave this planet in a better state for our children and future generations, and that can’t happen if we continue to use plastics and single-use disposables at our current rate.”

Encouraging others to start incorporating sustainable practices throughout their day to day life is something Crossley believes is very important.

“Recycling can feel like a very regular task to many people, but if done correctly, it can be a very helpful measure in living more sustainable lives,” Crossley said.

Like Crossley, the Refill Emporium focuses on the environmental impact of single use plastics, according to Sweetwood and Wagner. They express that a little goes a long way when it comes to repurposing plastic.

“Instead of throwing away laundry detergent jugs, shampoo bottles, or even orange juice containers, you can bring those containers to our store and fill it with any product of your choice,” Sweetwood and Wagner said. “We believe that every little bit helps when it comes to preserving our planet. By reusing what you already have and refilling your empty containers with products that you need, it helps to keep unnecessary plastic and waste from filling our landfills.”

Continuing to introduce sustainability is something that Crossley hopes will be taken more seriously. Practices at home are beneficial, but sustainable practices are something that need to be addressed by those in charge according to Crossley.

“I would like to see more global leaders first of all acknowledging climate change more, and then taking real action,” said Crossley. “Action in dramatically reducing [our] ecological footprint is better than just talking about it.”