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West Shore Mayors Get a Jump on 2019!

GoWestShore Magazine JUMP START ISSUE!  JAN/FEB 2019

GoWestShore Magazine JUMP START ISSUE! JAN/FEB 2019

West Shore Mayors Get a Jump on 2019!


By Anne Marie Moro

Photo Credits: Cover & Feature Story by Mark Vukobrat with special thanks to Bear Mountain Golf Resort for access to the stunning views! Mayor photos from municipal offices.

OK I admit it, organizing the impressive ‘Jump Start’ shot you see on our cover this month was a bit like herding cats.

However, after all was said and done, without a doubt, these West Shore Mayors are the most enthusiastic group of participants we’ve ever had at a photo shoot. How they responded to the demands of this assignment says a lot about who they are as people: patient, good-hearted and surprising athletic!

To achieve those lofty altitudes, our intrepid adventure photographer, Mark Vukobrat, had to play hard ball; and he didn’t mince words.

“No, no that was awful. Kick your legs back. 1—2—3—JUMP!”

“We’re doing this again. You need to jump together, guys! Ready… 1—2—3—JUMP!”

“I think your eyes were closed that time. We’re going to have to do that one again.”

You get the picture. This went on for about 15 minutes. After that, everybody refuelled with a strong shot of coffee and Kahlúa to fortify themselves for the last leg of the shoot. Thankfully, no more jumping was required. All they had to do was lean against a fence—which actually proved harder than you think because their legs were looking a little rubbery. A few had trouble finding the fence… but that’s another story.

From left to right: Highlands Mayor Ken Williams, Metchosin Mayor John Ranns, Langford Mayor Stewart Young and Colwood Mayor Rob Martin.

From left to right: Highlands Mayor Ken Williams, Metchosin Mayor John Ranns, Langford Mayor Stewart Young and Colwood Mayor Rob Martin.

Before this photo escapade, I had asked the Mayors to submit comments on their municipal goals for 2019, their music and curiosity about life. Graciously, they all took time out of their busy schedule to do just that. Two Mayors had scheduling conflicts and could not join us for the photo shoot; but Mayor Tait did send in her comments after the fact. What follows are all those responses.

Mayors, to each and every one of you, thank you so much for participating! I trust you had fun writing your replies, too, because we sure enjoyed reading them—and I think our readers will too!

Metchosin Mayor John Ranns

Metchosin Mayor John Ranns with sons, Blair & Johnny Ranns and son-in-law, Joel Roper.

Metchosin Mayor John Ranns with sons, Blair & Johnny Ranns and son-in-law, Joel Roper.

Q: Mayor Ranns, what are your top three (3) priorities for your constituency going into 2019?

A: 1. Continue to ensure Metchosin's rural future.

2. Secure anchor tenants for Metchosin School that will enhance the Village Centre.

3. Explore further partnership opportunities with Beecher Bay First Nation.

Q: If your life was a movie, what song(s) would be on the soundtrack? A: Assuming the movie is a chronology, it would begin with “Born in the Boondocks” by Little Big Town, followed by Joe Cocker’s version of “Try with a Little Help from My Friends”. Next, would be “Shiny Round Nickel” for no other reason than it is my favourite Jesse Roper song. For the closing credits, “I'll Fly Away” as performed by Jessica Havers, Ed Watson and myself.

Q: If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

A: In my opinion, the fundamental question for civilization is: “What is the nature of God?” However, I would never ask it because—whatever the answer—it would eliminate the necessity for faith. Therefore, my next question would be: “How does Stew [Mayor Stewart Young] manage to score all the grant money?”

Colwood Mayor Rob Martin

Colwood Mayor Rob Martin and his new council for 2018. From left: Councillors Stewart Parkinson, Dan Jansen, Doug Kobayashi, Mayor Rob Martin, Councillors Cynthia Day, Gordie Logan and Michael Baxter.

Colwood Mayor Rob Martin and his new council for 2018. From left: Councillors Stewart Parkinson, Dan Jansen, Doug Kobayashi, Mayor Rob Martin, Councillors Cynthia Day, Gordie Logan and Michael Baxter.

Q: Mayor Martin, what are your top three (3) priorities for your constituency going into 2019?

A: 1. Economic Development: Provide exceptional customer service to allow for the completion of unfinished development projects, pave the way for the right developments in the right places, and increase business and employment opportunities in Colwood. This will increase our tax base and reduce the need for people to travel outside our community.

2. Transportation: Work with the Ministry of Transportation, local municipalities, BC Transit and other partners on providing realistic transportation options to alleviate traffic congestion.

3. Environment: During the budget process Council will consider new service levels for parks and trails, and staff will be working on a Parks Management Plan. These will both be opportunities to protect and enhance the City’s natural environmental assets.

Q: If your life was a movie, what song(s) would be on the soundtrack? A: “Taking Care of Business (every day!)” by Bachman Turner Overdrive.

Q: If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask? A: I would ask: what’s the one thing I should do to have the greatest positive impact as Mayor? Or when will the ‘Big One’ hit, so the City can be prepared to take care of its citizens. Or how can we prevent or solve climate change?

Langford Mayor Stewart Young

Langford Mayor Stewart Young doing what he does best.

Langford Mayor Stewart Young doing what he does best.

Q: Mayor Young, what are your top three (3) priorities for your constituency going into 2019?

A: 1. Continue to ensure Langford stays a safe, family-oriented community.

2. Grow the economy and attract and retain secure local jobs.

3. Continue to build on sports tourism destination branding for the City (to attract visitors and boost the local economy).

Q: If your life was a movie, what song(s) would be on the soundtrack?

A: 1. “Hey Jude” by the Beatles. 2. “Hotel California” by the Eagles. 3. “Margaritaville” by Jimmy Buffet.

Q: If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

A: Who killed JFK?

Highlands Mayor Ken Williams

Q: Mayor Williams, what are your top three (3) priorities for your constituency going into 2019?

A: The new council will be setting strategic priorities in January, but at a high level for our rural community, the priorities include:

1. The monitoring and protection of our natural environment, especially with the hotter, drier summers.

2. Asset management

3. Emergency preparedness

Q: If your life was a movie, what song(s) would be on the soundtrack?

A: “Beginnings” by Chicago and “Havona” by Weather Report.

Q: If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

A: What will the future bring?

Sooke Mayor Maja Tait

Sooke Mayor Maja Tait.

Sooke Mayor Maja Tait.

Q: Mayor Tait, what are your top three (3) priorities for your constituency going into 2019?

A: 1. Attracting an awesome Chief Administrative Officer to lead our team of talented, professional staff

2. Working with Council to develop a Strategic Plan that lines up with provincial and federal priorities

3. Continued advocacy for health care infrastructure. The pursuit of community health, including social supports, is a passion of mine.

Q: If your life was a movie, what song(s) would be on the soundtrack?

A: “It’s a Small World”.

Q: If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?

A: I’ve always wondered how to solve a Rubik’s cube.


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