5 minute read


Censorship and sound money - The 2 major catalysts for people to get involved in Bitcoin. It’s not a motivator to many because we have fiat money dependence - a growing disease. Bitcoin is a movement started by a passionate few wanting true freedom. Then movements evolve into leaders solving real problems. The masses take notice and participate too. Leadership and innovation, fighting for a better system for the people got us to today - it is just the beginning.

Will you be one to jump on the lifeboat soon or will you be one to join the party after the masses? We’re excited to help you disconnect and discover more throughout these pages.


The cryptocurrency and blockchain industry has gone through plenty of ups and downs which parallel the beginnings of the dotcom and Internet evolution. The demise of FTX and others in this nascent digital economy mimics the banking failures of 2008 - the problem that Satoshi Nakamoto built the Bitcoin network to solve and give us options. Leaders and entrepreneurs continue to buildlet’s find the good ones together. We encourage you to keep it simple and think of this new revolution as an evolution of the Internet, the way it was intended to be - more decentralized.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can get to places around the world where fiat currency cannot. Think outside of your fiat comfort zone and put yourself in the place of people in unstable, third-world countries that don’t have a choice but to look for another currency to conduct commerce with each other and earn a living.

We will publish stories from this point of view - the search for sound technology in Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, and digital assets. The biggest challenge will be the criteria we develop to include the blockchain trilemma while exploring what else is developing. NFTs, DeFi, MetaVerse, Data Transmission, and more are all relevant parts of the technology. We’ll find some good ones and some won’t make it - don’t take anything as financial advice. Along the way let’s have fun, make money, and build relationships with each other.

It is all an experiment and no one really knows who will win. This is technology at its finest in a free market - we will see what the markets want - what the people want!

As George Gilder, describes in his book, Life After Google, whoever owns the networks wins! Now you get to own your piece of the networks. This is the inherent incentive that is built into decentralized networks. Own a piece of the community network that you help build!

The lesson in the fable of the Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs - Don’t be greedy - Don’t kill the Goose! We will mix in articles on how to be the best stewards of our assets, living a digital lifestyle. Let’s all be personally responsible so new laws don’t encroach on our freedoms - compliance is freedom insurance.

Cheers to the People!

Papa Goose

DISCLAIMER: Articles within this publication mention specific companies, crypto projects, crypto exchanges, and other entities. Some articles are sponsored and contributors may hold crypto assets mentioned. These mentions are purely for illustrative purposes and are not meant to be construed as a public endorsement of these firms in any way, especially as an investment. While the opinions of GOO$E Magazine and its contributors are shared, no portion of these articles are meant to be construed as investment advice, an official market outlook, or personalized recommendations for your situation. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investing has risks and loss of all your principal may occur. The aforementioned risk is exponentially increased when cryptocurrencies are involved. Before taking action on any information shared in this article, you should consult with a qualified & licensed investment, tax, legal, or other professional counsel.

Charlie Stivers has been a business owner since 2001. His roots from working on the family farm grew values of personal responsibility and self-reliance. Inspired by his economics professor, his passion for technology can be traced back to his preprofessional days when he felt like Alex P. Keaton carrying around the newspaper’s business section full of tech stories and innovations in the late 1990s.

He bought his first dotcom stocks in 1998 which led to him getting professionally licensed in 2001 and beginning a long professional career. Seeing the struggles of retirees preparing for retirement he authored the book, Social Security Success Guide, in 2016 helping them optimize retirement income for their golden years as a speaker and adviser.

As 2020 and pandemic lockdowns brought us extended time at home; he chose to focus on cryptocurrencies. He now works full-time on speaking fluent Bitcoin and crypto and has developed a passion for helping others discover and learn the potential of blockchain technologies. He believes the future of decentralization and digital assets will be sustainable when built on sound technology by responsible leaders.

GOO$E was started to help onboard new users safely and be a trusted resource of education for all levels. His vision is to build GOO$E into a community-powered publication.

He enjoys activities with his 2 children, exploring Colorado outdoors, and traveling. He may be seen on a river with a fly rod or with his rescue Frenchie, Gidget.

Charlie Stivers ~Publisher / Editor-in-Chief @cgstivers