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Discovering God’s Beautiful World

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Discovering God’s Beautiful World


by Brenda Dedmon

“G od’s beautiful world, God’s beautiful world, He made it for you, He made it for me, I love God’s beautiful world.” The words of this song make me happy when I think of the beautiful world God made for us to enjoy. In Genesis 1 we read, “God saw that His new creation was beautiful and good.”

I am glad I grew up in the South, where we get to experience all of the seasons of the year. My favorite seasons are spring and fall, but there are beautiful things about every season. I love the spring, when all the flowers begin

to bloom and brighten up the earth after a long cold winter. One of my favorite things about fall is that after a hot summer, we see all the beautiful colors of the leaves and the cooler weather.

A fun game I used to play with my family was a game called “I Spy.” We liked to ride in our community and look at the fall leaves and often would go on a leaf hunt! While we were riding, we would play I Spy. My dad would say, “I spy leaves that remind me of pumpkins!” We would then begin to look for a tree with orange leaves. Whoever would see the tree first then got to name something they spied. It was fun to think up words to describe what we saw. My mom would always be clever with her descriptions to try and trick us. She would often describe her clues in foods. She would say, “I spy chocolate milk hanging from a tree!” We then would look for a tree that had brown leaves.

It was fun to discover the beautiful world God made and to remember that He made it for us to enjoy. Perhaps I Spy would be a fun game for you and your family. You could go for a ride to discover the beautiful world God made for you in your community, or you may want to take a walk through your neighborhood. As you explore your neighborhood, you could play the game I Spy by naming things you see that God has made. Before you begin your walk, decide on how you will share the clues of the game. You could look for things by color. Perhaps you could look for things by their letter of the alphabet: “I spy something that God made that starts with the letter B.” Be creative and have fun discovering God’s beautiful world.

The walks in the fall would be even more fun if you invited your neighbors to go on the walk with you. It would be an adventure to discover God’s beautiful world together. Remember that God saw what He had made and thought it was beautiful, so I think it pleases Him when we express thanks to Him for the beautiful world.

About The Author Rev. Brenda Dedmon recently retired as the director of the Children’s Learning Center, First Baptist Dalton, and is an avid Bama fan!