2 minute read

A Name That Will Never Change

Gò0dNews for Everyone

A Name That Will Never Change


“…I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off” (Isa. 56:5, NKJV). by Terrie Ruff

There are many reasons our names may change: adoption, divorce, marriage, death or personal preference. Our earthly names are temporary, but I’m so happy to announce to you that when we are blessed of God, adopted into His royal family, chosen as His sons and daughters and accepted in the Beloved, our names and our status will never change!

Recently my “name” as sister has changed. With the deaths of my brother and adopted big sister, I felt I was no longer a sister. They are gone, and I’m here, no longer active in my former role of big and little sister. It saddened me to embrace these “new normal” roles. The status change wasn’t what I wanted; it wasn’t what I planned. I’m hurting. I’m missing them. Then I talked to Katie. Without knowing my internal struggle, God led her to tell me, “Terrie, I feel impressed to tell you that you are still a sister! You are still a sister to someone.” As my eyes moistened with tears of a newly confirmed truth, I smiled and agreed with her, I am still a sister. My name, my status in the lives of others has not changed. I am embracing this God sent truth. Hallelujah!

No matter what changes you and I face here on earth, these are simply avenues of preparation for our eternal good. So, if your name has changed for reasons that caused you to celebrate or caused you to cry, as a child of God, know that there is an eternal agenda beneath it all! One day very soon, the One whose name saves us will come back to receive His children, and we will be given new names that will not be cut off! So be encouraged, you have royalty running in your veins. Be encouraged, your every existence is an expression of God’s love. Be encouraged, he calls you daughter, son! What sweet assurance we have, no matter what happens

to us physically or emotionally, it’s temporary, and nothing can change what we know in our souls. Nothing can change who you are and Whose you are! Nothing can change the fact that Jesus is coming, and He will reward His children. Remain faithful, my brothers and sisters, it won’t be long. Our Name Changing Savior is coming, and we will be given a name that will never change as we enjoy eternal life with the One whose name makes it possible! Hallelujah!

What is the name God has given you? Are you living up to that name? Rejoice in that name!

About The Author Terrie E. Ruff is a public speaker, soloist and inspirational author. She is an active member of the Orchard Park SDA Church in Chattanooga. Terrie can be contacted at Terrie.Ruff@lpnt.net.

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