2 minute read


帥 T 空姐


Handsome Stewardess

導演 Director | 周美玲 Zero Chou 台灣 Taiwan | 2019 | Colour | 120min

帥 T Bartender 小何邂逅新加坡空手道國手 孟 蓮 , 兩 人一 時 天 雷 勾 動 地 火 ! 為了追 愛 , 小 何 決 定 報 考 空 姐 , 才 能 時 常 見 到 孟 蓮 , 但 她 在訓練過程吃足苦頭 , 還在航程中被乘客騷 擾 ! 小何會否甘心只當空姐 ? 尚未出櫃的孟蓮 則該怎麼面對父母和小何 ?

各位旅客 , 歡迎搭乘由台北飛往新加坡的「帥 T 空姐」航班 , 請繫好安全帶 , 才能確保人生 一切 all safe!

Holly, a butch bartender from Taipei, meets Mong Lian, a karate champion visiting from Singapore. It is love at first sight but the distance between Taiwan and Singapore soon becomes their biggest obstacle. In order to spend more time with Mong Lian, Holly decides to apply for a flight stewardess position at a Singaporean airline. Little does she know the job comes with many gender bias. While Holly is left to sink or swim at her new job, Mong Lian has to figure out how to come out to her parents.


Gentleman Spa

導演 Director | 游智涵 Yu Jhi-han 台灣 Taiwan | 2019 | Colour | 18min

✽ 2019 台灣國際酷兒影展 ✽ 2019 桃園電影節台灣獎競賽入選 ✽ 2019 Frameline 舊金山同志影展

外型肥胖的小豪 , 長期在同志按摩院裡擔任 清潔工 , 心心念念期盼自己有一天能邂逅真 愛。某日走 進 一 位客人 阿 凱 , 小 豪 竟有了意 外 的機會幫他按摩。兩人在互動的過程中互相 療癒 , 並慢慢對彼此產生好感。然而 , 事情並 沒有小豪期待的那麼順利 ……

Hao, a chubby gay man, works as a janitor at a gay spa. For him, romantic relationships are an unreachable dream. One day, an attractive customer, Kai, walks in and gives Hao the opportunity to massage him.

As they talk and get to know each other, they bond. However, things do not go as smoothly as Hao expects…

真心話大 Drunk 夫 第二季 Drinking Buddies Season 2

導演 Director | 周良柔 Yvette Chou 台灣 Taiwan | 2019 | Colour | 12min (6 eps)

「真心話大 drunk 夫 」邀 請 彩 虹 光 譜 上 不 同性取向的成員或是 LGBTQ+ 支持者玩「酒 醉賓果 + 真心話大冒險」 , 第二季玩更大、陣 容 更 多 元 ! 邀 集 PPL 界正妹情侶檔 X&S 、南 霸天網紅簡琳 & 刺刺、跨性別遠距戀代表 Tyler 何星冉與凱畢、野狼系男同志情侶檔 Elvis& 白維克等 6 組成員 , 以歡樂有趣的形 式帶出關係中的辛辣趣事與勁爆秘密。

Bigger, better and more diverse than ever! From lesbian power couples to beefcake gay duos and transgender men in long distance relationships, “Drinking Buddies” Season 2 invites LGBTQ people and allies to play drunk bingo and truth or dare. The show searches for the true definition of love, and the beauty of diversity within rainbow families. “Drinking Buddies” is all about spilling the tea while looking super kawaii!