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Formidable Vegetable Sound System

The Formidable Vegetable Sound System concert at the Seymour sound shell, Goulburn Park was held on Monday 17th April to the delight of all those in attendance.

Kids and adults alike enjoyed a fantastic, fun and action packed afternoon celebrating fruits and vegetables. It’s the mid Autumn harvest and the perfect time to celebrate the abundance. While munching on free fruits thanks to @okeefes.iga.seymour attendees were able to take a lucky dip for free packets of seeds to feed their family for seasons to come, thanks to @bunnings Seymour.

This was the first concert at the Goulburn Park Sound Shell since the October floods with the community enjoying a day of free activities. Event coordinator Cynthia Lim said, “It was pleasing to see the community gather once again at the park, it is such a beautiful location and it has been a glorious day.”

“The sounds of music echoed through the park with visitors sharing picnics, children enjoying fruit and the great outdoors,” added Cynthia.

Formidable Vegetable (FV) has a commitment to making the world a better, kinder and healthier place through funky, family- friendly tunes for raising awareness and grassroots action around ecological & social issues. Their latest album has just been released and their song "I love carrots' ' has charted on AMRAP. Inspiring minds young and old with songs about simple solutions for living a good life, Formidable Vegetables are most at home on the live stage, whether it be to heaving crowds at Glastonbury Festival (where they’ve performed several times) or school kids rocking out in the playground. “Songs are some of our most powerful tools for learning, remembering and sharing knowledge. Music can be so much more than entertainment” - Charlie Mgee, TEDx PERTH.

To learn more about FV visit their website https:// formidablevegetable.com.au

This event was proudly hosted by Go Seymour and supported by Rotary Club of Seymour, Seymour Health, GMCU, Mitchell Shire Council, BEAM Mitchell Environment Group, the food exchange, Seymour FM 103.9, Seymour Show, Our Place, Blue Tongue Berries, Somerset Farm, The Seymour We Want and Healthy Kids Mitchell.