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Flirt '21

Angelo CastroFlirt '21


Angelo Castro was born and raised in a small town in the coastal mountains of Venezuela. Due to the great economic and political challenges in the country he was forced to move to Montevideo, Uruguay, where he has been living and making work for the last 8 years.

‘’This beautiful country allowed me to study and start my way as a designer. ‘’

Thanks to his strong work ethics he was able to present two collections in Fashion Clash in 2018 and 2019. Today he tells us:

‘’I find myself in a new stage, launching a 3rd collection in times of a pandemic. A bit ironic but true, the pandemic helped me rethink my vision as a designer. Flirt '21 is my new timeless collection. Conceptually I am inspired by emotional connections and the meaning of things.’’

In his new collection Angelo opens a conversation about relationships between objects, he says that nothing is completely detached from its surroundings, everything has a relative connection to something else, be it a form, a being, an emotion, or an instinct.

There are conscious or unconscious connections.

Flirt connects me with the energy of my ancestors and what I project in my future. For this collection I worked with disused textiles from factories closed in times of pandemic. I also gave a new meaning to all the waste from my previous collections.

Starting from a place of rethinking and transformation of menswear.

The construction and philosophy of my garments are aimed at anyone who needs to communicate and support the environment. I work with local labor and craftsmanship.

Angelo Castro @angelocastror

Photography: Mara Bernasconi @marabernasconi_jpeg

Visual design: @ tercer.eye

Models: Acaoã Theophilo De Castro @acaoatcastro Mati Buriano

@mxtiasb MUA: Avant Garde Makeup

@avant_makeup Josefina Stabile Mua
