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In the previous issue of this magazine, the theme for my term as Grand Master was provided which is “Choose the Future.” One of the key success drivers for the future of our Lodges and grand jurisdiction was also covered. Specifically, the true formula for a successful Lodge is activity. Continuing with that focus, the major theme for this issue of the magazine is “Activity.” I am a firm believer that without activity, you die. That approach goes for Lodges as well as people.

Active Lodges for Illinois Freemasonry who are vibrant with regular activity, delivering value to its members, visible in the community, helping Brethren learn, and encouraging the members to make genuine friends are the examples for others to follow. By contrast, we have Lodge members who claim that a lack of money forced their closure or consolidation; however, that is not the root cause. A lack of activity is what closes Lodges. If we stay true to the Legacy of our Lodges and provide the Brethren with valuable experiences for themselves, family members, friends and neighbors, then Masonry will thrive in that town or city.

Let me share a story about Litchfield, Illinois Masonry that I periodically tell in my travels. Litchfield, my hometown of less than 7,000 people, once had two Lodges. Masonry was a true force in town such that it was known that no organization planned an event without first checking with the Lodges to make sure that they did not already have something planned on the calendar. Today, Litchfield has no Lodges. The two previous Lodges merged years ago and the consolidated Lodge merged with Mt. Moriah Lodge in 2006. One of those Lodges did close because of money; however, not for the lack of financial resources, but because they had too much money. That status made them comfortable so they did not need to raise funds to exist and ultimately did nothing — no activity. This Lodge held their Stated Meeting once per month and did an occasional degree conferral, but nothing else. The moral of this story is that a lack of activity closed that Lodge.

Being visible in the community continues to be a driver of success for many Lodges. However, in some of our towns and cities across the state, we have done a great job of hiding in plain sight. As Grand Master, I have the opportunity and pleasure of traveling across the state to meet with our Brethren and members of local communities. In some of those towns, I asked the local people about the location of the Masonic Lodge and the response too many times is “we have one?” Here is another example from Litchfield. The Masonic Lodge building is one the largest buildings in town and sits prominently one block off the main street that runs through town. A major event, the annual unveiling of the Veiled NonProphet took place on the Masonic Lodge building steps. Even when the Lodge was still active, if you asked most residents where the Masonic Lodge was, they would not know. That community perception is a direct result of Lodge inactivity especially by not conducting events that were visible to the community.

Yes, I’m repeating myself; the key to a successful Lodge is activity. Not only does activity of various kinds help keep the Lodge membership involved and interested in Masonry, it raises awareness in the local community. That community visibility exposes other good men (including friends and neighbors) to our fraternity. Often that exposure generates membership interest which can eventually lead to new petitions for membership. Retaining current Lodge members and attracting new members have common success factors which are activity and visibility.

What social activities, big or small, do you have on your Lodge calendar in 2022? Which events include family members and friends? What community service projects are you performing that are visible in the community? How often are the Brethren getting together to learn and improve themselves as Masons including practicing for degree work? These are questions for you to answer. Since every Lodge is different, I cannot give you an exact list of activities that will work for your Lodge. However, by answering those questions, you can spark a good conversation that can get your Lodge Officers and Brethren moving in the right direction. Through trial and possibly errors, you will determine what activities work best for your Lodge and local community. A great source of ideas is the Grand Master’s Award of Excellence Program. Putting in the work together to achieve one of these awards will confirm that you are doing activities that will add to the success of your Lodge. Also, The Handbook for Officer Advancement contains a section which provides a list of ideas for Lodge activities and events. Use these valuable reference resources that are readily available to you.

Working harmoniously together to build both ourselves as good men and our communities is at the heart of who we are as a fraternity. As Brethren, we come together to make Masons, laugh together, work together, and enjoy the journey of life together. Consistent with the ritual excerpt quote above, we are here to enjoy an active life together! Staying true to that message will constantly remind us that our Masonic Legacy will advance and thrive now and into the future based upon Lodge Activity.

Fraternally and sincerely,

Michael E. Jackson Grand Master Grand Lodge of Illinois

“Choose the Future” — Advance our Masonic Legacy!