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Energise and personalise your events with genuine, brand-centred hospitality from Barmotion. We carefully wrap our cosmopolitan hospitality solutions, from coffee bars to pop-up sushi stands, around your brands.


We’re more than just a mobile bar company: we offer full turnkey hospitality and branding solutions specifically tailored to your requirements. Our extensive experience and knowledge in the events, marketing and hospitality sector let us understand what’s key to achieving the results you need, and we offer the best in service to our clients.

We offer a hands-on approach, taking the time to understand your brand and its values, so we can meet your brief with a first-class hospitality solution.

Our magnificent ‘Barmotion Rock Stars’, all trained and fully certified, are your perfect brand ambassadors - whipping up a buzz and a vibe to make your event rock, making your guests and visitors feel not only welcome but appreciated and valued.

Aquazania water is purer than an underground mountain spring and cleaner than snow. Each and every molecule of Aquazania goes through a complex 9-step purifica�on and filtra�on process. It is sterilised using ac�vated oxygen. No chemicals are added, ensuring every drop has that same great Aquazania taste.

Aquazania is South Africa’s largest bo�led premium water distributor into homes and businesses.

We supply you with top-of-the-line dispensers that dispense refrigerated or heated bo�led water with embedded nanosilver an�-bacterial impregna�on to control any bacterial growth in the cooler. We have a variety of cooler colours and models available – delivered directly to your door.