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GNAG fall program brings musical theatre

Over the summer, it’s become evident that the love of this community speaks to generations. We have so many staff running activities in summer camp programs that they once attended as children – a full circle experience.

This article also marks one year since I joined the GNAG community in my capacity as executive director. Starting somewhere new after 15 years can sometimes feel like you are at a new school trying to find a place to eat lunch! The staff here have been so kind and inclusive. And there is no better feeling than walking into a camp with children immediately yelling “Hi Sarah!”

It’s been quite a year to say the least. I’d like to take this opportunity to share a little about how the others working behind the scenes here at GNAG create an environment that fosters inclusivity, friendship and creativity.

1. Most people will walk up to you and say, “You have big shoes to fill!” The joke Mary Tsai and I have is that we have the same sized feet, and I’ve literally worn her actual shoes. She is truly one of a kind.

2. Paul O’Donnell will LOVE sharing an office with you – he will actually put you on talking time-out because you get too excited when he is there and can’t stop talking to him. You will also never meet anyone who will literally do anything, including eating a box of dog treats, to make a group of kids happy.

3. Pete Wightman will whiz through finances, create dream skating conditions at Mutchmor rink and always make himself available to help in any and every way.

4. Nobody you know will work harder than Clare Davidson Rogers, and you will wonder if she is a human or this amazing robot who can help with anything.

5. The board will be gracious, supportive and open to every new idea you have.

6. Chair of GNAG Elspeth Tory’s “why” will be one of the reasons you join this community, and she has been a sounding board and a positive leader with a hilarious sense of humour.

7. The full-time team will impress you with their amazing talent, basically daily.

8. Kids and families will learn your name, you will meet community members who put in hours of volunteer time – shout out to Trivia, Taste, Craft, Theatre & House Tour committees – and you will be beyond impressed with all the extra effort all staff put into this organization to make it special.

Thanks to everyone who works, volunteers, attends or simply loves GNAG for being open to the past year with a new leader. We could not do it without you. I cannot wait to see how we all continue to grow together.

Fall Programming

As fall rolls around, we have a lot of exciting activities here at the Glebe Community Centre. Fall does tend to be one of our busiest registration periods so please make sure to check the guide in advance and see if there is something that tickles your fancy!

Each year we hear from clients who haven’t registered in advance who are disappointed when they find out a program has been cancelled. We require a minimum number of registrants for each of our programs, so if numbers are too low one week before the start date, the program will be cancelled. Grab a friend and register!

Fall registration opens at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, August 29th. The guide should be online a few weeks in advance so keep checking our website at www.gnag.ca.

We would love to continue to provide printed guides but at this time, it is best for us to do an online version and reallocate those funds for printing towards our programming.

The Drowsy Chaperone at GNAG

A chaperone stops the high jinks, right? Not when they need a nap! Let the mayhem begin!

Made in Canada, The Drowsy Chaperone took Broadway by storm, winning Tony awards for “Best Original Score” and “Best Book of a Musical” in 1998. A sparkling tribute to jazz age musicals, the show offers marvelous characters, a busy chorus and lots of dancing! It’s a gem of a show!

The GNAG team with Lauren Saindon as music director, Eleanor Crowder as stage director and Ciana Van Dusen as choreographer brings you the opportunity to work with artists at the top of their game in an encouraging community setting. Our program teaches skills and offers you the spotlight in large-cast, multi-age shows.

Auditions take place August 30-31 and call-backs on September 6 and 7 from 6 to 9:30 pm. There will be opportunities for featured dancers.