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COP 26

In November 2021, we were able to send 5 delegates to attend the COP26 conference in Glasgow as part of The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts delegation. The team had a strong message to take to negotiations of ‘bring in the girls’. The team were able to meet and talk to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about the importance of hearing from more diverse voices, including women and girls.


In our Edinburgh office, we’re also playing our part to be ‘planet protectors’. We’ve got rid of our water cooler, are using reusable cups and plates for meetings, offer virtual ways to attend meetings to reduce unnecessary travel, have notices up to remind people to turn off lights and not waste water and have reduced what we print (amongst may other things!)

“I attended COP26 in Glasgow to represent Girlguiding and WAGGGS, and to make sure the voices of girls and young women were listened to at one of the most crucial climate conferences of this century.” – Emily, young member